General Discussion

General DiscussionA part of me thinks that abandoning shouldn't be so harsh.

A part of me thinks that abandoning shouldn't be so harsh. in General Discussion

    I had a game where we stomped. Like, all t2 towers by 15 mins stomped. Then we got aegis and the beastmaster got it and because he took it, the pos 1 decided to afk farm and not play, which made everyone else not want to play either. I don't feel it is fair to be subjected to 20 mins of afking for the enemy team to recuperate because my team refuses to do anything, even after PMA words of encouragement. I would of totally abandoned, but then I get the punishment of not being able to queue for 30 mins, which is really stupid to me. If you want to abandon, then take the behavior score punishment, but don't limit the queue.

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    Hexy Rose~

      well in lower skilled ranks like ancient these shits happen often. increase your rank if u want a better matchup

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        @I am Groot You must be straight up delusional, because the trench never ends. Even in Immortal top 200 this shit stills happens. I see it every day on twitch.


          Even in Divine 3 it happens, which is the highest I have been this patch. You act like the higher mmr games have angels in them.


            With that kind of advantage, couldn't you just win the match with 4 heroes?
            I too had a game when in the pre-final fight enemy Dazzle just didn't want to die after all his carries died. I (offlaner or pos 4 Tidehunter) and our carry (Spectre) chased him for about 1 minute. Dazzle non-stop used shallow grave, glimmer, shadow wave and in the end I killed him with my 2nd skill. Spectre raged and went AFK jungling when we could just go and destroy the Ancient (both T4 were destroyed). We all died without Spectre and they came and destroyed our Ancient instead.


              @Bick Dig Yea, but when everyone is demoralized that the carry wants to afk farm, there is nothing I can do to move them to push. We even killed the enemy pos 1 in a teamfight and they kept pinging the medusa to come push instead of push themselves. very frustrating.