its actually disappointing how the skill level of immortal 1ks and top 500 is far too big, they should also actually add immortal I, immortal II or something, because even those lowrank 5ks that reached immortal are already happy being called immortal even if they are still on the trash bracket.
still kinda impressive. when I was 48% I was crusader, but somehow he managed to get to Divine, haha. Maybe recal to stronk!
Immortal is like Divine. And Divine is like Ancient. Because Dota is game for dogs including me
Are y'all retarded? haha. MMR ebbs and flows. I've been in and out of immortal divine for awhile now. It still even has my immortal number that I last was. Also my ranked is more 50%. My unranked is lower though. But I love that you like to pick statistics incorrectly.
haha imagine having less than 50% winrate... that would feel pretty damn bad
IMMO rank avg is so painful to play. 50% winrate teeterboard is so exhausting. Its like today u gonna win 10 games but in next 3 days u gona suck no chance 10% winrate to make 50% of total. Also IMMO rank having biggest skill dispersion i've ever seen. I think its biggest ACCBUYING pool, cause nobody's going to buy div if he can buy IMMO for little more coins. Also
6k cap after calibrating also doing great pool of newacc players that buying very cheap 8tier leash to their newaccs(Like literally after 0-10 calib 8 tier u getting 5200pts and 5600 for 5-5)
Winrate is irrelevant when it takes less than 1500 games to get from herald 1 to immortal if you have a 60% winrate. Within theory you could lose like 10000 games in a row, have a 60% winrate for 1500 more and still be immortal despite your 20% winrate xd its all about recent ranked winrates and how that compares to your winrate when you were worse at the game
my main is ~ rank 700 immortal so I guess I can give a few words here. Valve algorithm is such a very nice system, where even a ~500 rank player can meet divine 1 bracket, and it is pretty bad quality of match. Out skilled in every single aspect, mindset, macro/micro objective. The same goes with 2 digits players, they would think the same towards 3 and 4 digits rank. Gap is pretty broad and I would say Valve needs a lot of improvements there.
and one more thing is that there are a lot of buyers at immortal bracket right now. Karma, yes, since we sell accounts and now we have to pay for it. My previous customer account, it was around 27xx immortal, and the guy who bought it just dropped amazingly quick to legend 3, within 1 month. Last 2 weeks, when I queued my main, I saw the same nickname, I guess it's him, he ruined the game so harsh.
Not sure about NA but low immortal games in EU (5600-6500) are pretty decent in terms of gameplay. I only hope that Valve somehow ban those morons using 3rd party programs to watch your history and target ban your heroes or reduce the amount of heroes banned in AP. The game right now is fairly balanced after all.
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I feel that Immortal has some of the lowest quality matches I've ever seen. In lower mmr you can tell when someone is bad but its normal bad. In immortal it seems like everyone is creatively bad when they are bad and its almost like they're griefing. I can't tell if this is an actual booster vs smurf problem or region problem or just pure boredom from immortal players. I've never been frustrated more in any game than with immortal games.