General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with a smurf meepo in low mmr?

How to deal with a smurf meepo in low mmr? in General Discussion
Slim Shady


    Recently i have returned to dota, now i have been having fun again untill i met an old nemesis: The dreaded smurf meepo.

    How in godsname do you deal with this? Yesterday i had a game with a meepo ranked Gaurduan 2 , he went on a double rampage and was practically unstoppable around minute 15 already, the only item he had was a bloody dragon lance lmao

    Meepo is the only hero i always feel hopeless when up against, he just becomes a huge problem within no time and there is so little i can figure out to do about it

    Any thoughts ?

    another day in paradise

      Meepo is a rly bad hero atm, even many spammers dont play it.

      The reason why its good vs bad players is because it is really easy to snowball on him (same as, lets say broodmother or huskar).

      All you need to do is kill him over and over again. Its quite easy: either burst one clone down fast with nukes and stuns (sk, lina, lion, etc), or have a lot of aoe disable against him (ravage, echoslam, chrono, etc.) since he cant buy BKB for all clones (only the main one) he cant protect himself against those spells. So just use your spells on him well and he will die. If he is super farmed, you just need to use all your spells on him. Ofc if he is a smurf, he will probably just be much better than everyone else in the game and therefore hard to kill regardless because of his reaction time and spell casting and positioning. But that is pretty much it.

      Also, as a support, you can block his camps, which will slow down his farm a little bit. You should also set up wards in mid / wherever he farms. If you can see him, its much easier to gank him. Targetting smurf players and killing them will often also tilt them (+ meepo is a snowball hero and if he is left behind in farm, will do nothing). That will give you the best chance of winning :)

      another day in paradise

        Also just checked out the game you were talking about: if you play Juggernaut offlane, you dont even deserve to win. Pick a real offlane for fucks sake and you might have a chance :)

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        another day in paradise

          If you wanna play offlane, some really fun meta heroes are at least Spirit Breaker and OD. Some other good heroes are Sand King, Necrophos, Night Stalker, Slardar, Pudge and Legion Commander.

          Slim Shady

            Alright first off, it was not the last game on my profile, i turned expose public match data off to prevent people from using third party software to ban heroes i like to play. Second thanks for the info, i know i am not a good player but i try to do my best nowadays and actually pick accordingly. Idk how much it matters in this mmr which lane you pick because usually the lanes are a complete mess anyway

            Yes our game yesterday vs the meepo was a complete mess, i was on a winstreak with the only hero i can actually play riki, and i got real cocky on my sixth game and insta picked him, so ofcourse the enemy line up was bounty timber pa meepo and lion lmao. Main problem was the meepo steamrolled us so hard we could not kill him at a certain point, he had very good supports as well. Hearing that he is bad right now surprises me, he seems as strong as ever. But i guess with the right set up and no huge skill gap he will find trouble in team fights. The bkb tip was huge btw, i never thought of the fact he can only bkb 1 clone.

            I will take the advice to heart


              You dont deal with him at guardian MMR and if hes anything above 4k, thas the fun part. Your mid wont be good enough to shut him down, your supports wont do anything fast or good enough to shut him down, and u wont be able to do shit as a carry cause he will be online too strong and too fast.

              Slim Shady

                ^ Yep thats exactly what happeneds everytime. Now granted i dont see him often yea but when i do 9/10 he just solo stomps the game before we can come online


                  Its easy, you need every sentry you can buy, heck don't even buy boots. Block all his camps and ancients. He will be left with 2 options either to fight or farm on ur side. Thats when u punish him . And yes if he kills ur midlaner twice, you just sit mid and dont let him do that as a support. For meepo its just the timing . If you can hold out the game 20 mins plus even dogs can beat meepo.

                  Slim Shady

                    ^ Sounds like a strat, blocking jungle must be done till 15 mins i assume? What if they deward quickly and gaurd the jungle so i cant walk in solo and deward? Happened once


                      Just ban Meepo every of your match you will be fine :lick: