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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Daenuguanerys Targaryen

    Idk if I can properly give an insightful comment as I'm just your typical 2k shit. In that BS game, your teammated fed too much. That TA practically murdered you guys. In that game, I think you still wouldn't be able to carry because of the abnormally high amount of deaths. However, you could have picked a better hero for that... BS can't really carry a game on his own given said situation. I really dont know what Im talking about, I just want someone to comment on my last game

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      Daenuguanerys Targaryen



          not cool dude

          Swap Commends

            Nice throw, gg :D


              The game could have been lost already if it wasn't for Doom throwing it out of a confidence that he cannot be touched which backfired him. I wouldn't be surprised if Dire team will be typing like "Report Doom plz", Picking AM and Ember against Doom is understandable since Doom is not a hero that get picked often in pub game so you didn't expect him to be picked here.

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                no coment very bad even invoker was bad idk what u want me to tell u not a lot i can do here


                  no coment very bad even invoker was bad idk what u want me to tell u not a lot i can do here


                    ^ Specifically, my item build.


                      items are ok but timing is bad and u only had 2 items no farm at all no kills shard was unnessesary brtter bought skadi or mjolnir u needed blink or silver for mobility

                      skip me


                        no words rlly, what lane were u playing to get a 15 min armlet? I wudve gone solar crest if ur offlane, u need the armor and u need the utility to help ur teammates.

                        Chao Vritra

                          wow short game. did they give up or did you guys push that fast with brood

                          Chao Vritra

                            also my last game was shit

                            also jdf8

                              I'm a big fan of your item choice. Maybe super late you could replace aether with hex but it looks like you didnt have the money

                              your void should have bthorn + refresh instead of moonshard but hey w/e u won


                                actually one of em dced cuz we smashed em and then they systematically dced until only 1 was left

                                Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                  Daddy is back in the groove.
                                  Sadly that Silencer was so intelligent at the end he probably ended up saying something poetic when he only intended to say "fuck you, ez".


                                    What a stomp! You are a good morph player


                                      GJ considering how your party played. Good thing you didn't give up and really stuck to your role by providing wards + farm for your "carries." GGWP


                                        You alone managed to turn the tide around and make a comeback for your team, well played. You build BM to discourage their hitter from hitting you, I see.


                                          I understand not wanting to die to slark, but I don't think 37 sentries was the answer.
                                          You seemed to be farming ok until the point between pike and skadi.
                                          Overall, just ur usual "slark goes bat shit" deathball games.


                                            everything was nice u did all alot not a lot i can say here


                                              good item timing overall, early victorie and well played


                                                @hurricane if u cant say anything then why did u comment?


                                                  ^ bcz the game is that way dount anyone can say spmething bad or missplayed
                                                  maybe bkb AND sphere was bad (maybe refresher better )
                                                  lotus orb too great item vs silence shakle etc

                                                  skip me

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    What could I have done better as viper to help carry 4 feeders vs an all core team? I made sure that weaver was sad all game but he still got 6-slotted because of my team. I know I could have carried as I have carried 4 feeders before, but I don't know what I could have done better.

                                                    Grand Sparrow

                                                      ^ You're supposed to comment on the previous person. To make it clear, I'll comment on yours anyway.

                                                      Seems you had a better game than many of your allies, but that might have been the ks potential of Viper skewing the results. Nothing to say all that interesting about your build or results. Weaver was def. not the problem, the 2-player tandem was the issue, specifically Void. Seems they all just outfarmed you. Void went crazy and probably spent a bit of time in the jungle unmolested. You had sub 400 gpm, which is terrible as your team's carry. I assume this was a game where 2 lanes were lost in the beginning and no one was wise enough to switch things up or rotate to gank enough to stop the snowball. Snowball build up and you died. Should have stopped after 5 min and made lane changes or ganked early. I hate SB often, but perhaps this was a time to see if that would have worked for you when things started to get out of hand.


                                                        previous person said skip.

                                                        I actually went to the other lanes and ganked, but they all failed. So I ended up behind.

                                                        NP died a bunch but was actually a really great pusher. He made a lot of space for us.

                                                        I got a lot of invis runes that game and went to gank void in the jungle a lot. Unfortunately, the lich was smart and decided to stay just out of EXP range while void farmed.

                                                        So I went to push. void then got a battlefury just for the waveclear and me trying to reduce their space ended up giving them more farm then letting him jungle.

                                                        I would have bought wards but I didn't know where to put them until now after the game ended.

                                                        None of my kills were KSes. Most of them were solo kills. I solo killed weaver twice midlane before 10 mins. I tried to snowball off of the kills but the enemy then decided to play it safe. I don't know what to do then because they are playing defensively and I can't push without getting killed. I also can't gank at that pointdue to them sticking to towers. Farm trading vs them was a bad idea. What should I have done in this situation?

                                                        Thanks a ton for the advice BTW.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          Couldn't end the game quickly
                                                          Mek/domi would've been nice
                                                          NP is an idiot for getting agha against BF and mjolnir
                                                          You tried your best to hold the game but the game drags too long


                                                            Bad lineup cost you that game, I assumed nc was hijacked by bloodseeker, and really, radiance on pl with alch on the team?


                                                              Oh this is a hard one to analyze, this probably comes down to bkb timings and your team not being able to push your potential early on which led you to eventually lose 5 on 5s later on in the game to their superior team fight.

                                                              Your team had generally okay bkb timings on your 3 cores which most likely allowed you to significantly decrease their team fight advantage in the mid 30 minute mark, but with your supports choosing to get blink daggers very late (especially Rubick), you never probably never get a good initiation on invoker or jugg and have to rely on the arrow or over aggression from your cores to start the fight.

                                                              As TA, you probably could've done more split push. None of them built bkb piercing items and maybe a linkens + bkb, although defensive, could help you force back the enemy team (since Lion can't get a blink + hex jump on you).

                                                              You guys probably had enough damage, but not enough control which, in my opinion (without watching the game), was what lost you the game.

                                                              (Correct me if I'm wrong)


                                                                Yes you are spot on, especially on the initiations. We had a tough time to get to warlock and invoker. Unfortunately my rubick player wasn't that good, hence he cannot really read the game. And to be honest rubick in this game as a last pick is pretty bad, since we lack proper initiations/closing in spells like centaur. My friend only plays rubick puck pugna and pudge if you could see his profile :X

                                                                It was tough to split on my part if I remember correctly, as they had invoker and jug with early BoTs.

                                                                Mehh, sometimes you know you have friends who are not as good but the moment you try to teach them on what to do/play/build they go all raging at you lol.

                                                                Anyway thanks for your insights really appreciated it.


                                                                  I'm not a TA player, but maybe a hex on you might have your team good as well? I mean, as long as PA or Mirana is with you, you could probably burst a core that is split pushing before their team has a chance to react.

                                                                  It's sad that some of your friends are like that. That's pretty much how I learned how to play dota lol

                                                                  Anyways, kudos to you, I'm sure you did your best.

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    Yea I agree with you, perhaps swapping out my deso for something like a thorn or hex will be good. Was saving for buybacks though, but ended up as useless as I was the only one who could have bought back.

                                                                    Its tough to play with people you know sometimes. I once tried to coordinate with someone and he retorted back with "if you are not playing this hero then stfu" and "next game you show me then talk".

                                                                    Perhaps grinding solo mmr might be healthier for me.


                                                                      Perhaps, glhf on your queues. Your friends need to try to be more open minded haha


                                                                        I still want a revieuw on my last game :p

                                                                        Good supporting, nice high gpm and played pretty damn good i would say

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          ur item timings are way way way too late to win the game unfortunately

                                                                          tinker aghs is great against meepo but their tinker isa retard. sadly you couldnt capitalize


                                                                            Won a long and drawn out game by the virtue of having void and storm not be killable by slark. Guess the bloodthorn and chrono got to him at the end. Seemed to struggle in the timing between bkb and hex, but u won so gg.

                                                                            back to december

                                                                              Typical timbersaw stomp. and looking from the enemy's cores and net worth difference your team indeed deserve the win.


                                                                                Dunno why you didn't get an aghanim scepter instead of a linken. Other then that well played nice item timings.


                                                                                  nice pick nice heal items not sure if radi was neccessary but ok
                                                                                  lotus orb was very good here but u have shield magic but still lotus too is op
                                                                                  blademail was good
                                                                                  and in the end aghanim idk if it was useful cant watch replay
                                                                                  anyway assault and lotus there was good pickup instead of radi

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    you played your part well but you died 8 times and I think the time you were off could've helped enemy end the game. else i don't think the enemy would win. treant should've played better.

                                                                                    core or whore

                                                                                      nice comeback


                                                                                        Carried your team along with Windranger but got paired with a crappy AM. FeelsBadMan.


                                                                                          ez game. change linken's to agh and see huskar ulti reversed. leeeeeroy style :D

                                                                                          Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                                                            you got the chance to comeback, but don't use it wisely

                                                                                            your talent choice is terrible 25% cooldown reduction is better than +8 armor (why do a sniper need armor? you are range hero.)

                                                                                            +100 range is lame for defending highground, +4 sharpnell is better to kill creeps and harrasing heroes, since you got mjolnir.


                                                                                              Actually u wasted around 3/4 hours to finish the game with no stats recorded... is ur mmr added?

                                                                                              Using linken at monkey king is a good idea to keep on against unit-clicking spells... dat was an ez game for monkey king...


                                                                                                Holy cow what a shitfest, xaxaxa!!! Dagon bara, axe radiance, exp graph went eight times back and forth. I don't know why you're doing this to yourself but avoid SE Asia at all costs and stop playing there. :)


                                                                                                  BS spammer.....
                                                                                                  filthy jungler.......

                                                                                                  Anyways, it appears that based on the stats, TA ripped you guys a new one. That offlane sniper was not punished enough , 7 deaths for the entire game ,it should have been much higher. Nice hero damage thou, out damaging the QOP means she probably didn thave the impact that one would hope for.

                                                                                                  . As for going scepter build, I dunno if that was what you should have gone. Most of those heros do not need to be that mobile. Hard to say without watching a replay but it maybe going rad rush to snow ball? I'm guessing the manta was for tree but as a first item I Question that logic. I'm not a BS player but manta wasn't the item. If you were that concerned about root, BKB might have been better as a later item. You guys had a huge lead up to about min 40 or so. when apparent you threw hard and gave them a come back. That is a tough high ground to seige with sniper + tree.

                                                                                                  Anyways, good luck on next. Hope you commended your Disraptor for all those wards he got.

                                                                                                  also jdf8

                                                                                                    you won against that stupid fucking mag+sven combo

                                                                                                    i like buying force against sb and using it when he charges


                                                                                                      A pure stomp on Single draft mode. I have no idea what to say about this match save for the fact that Necrophos doesn't even "exist" in this game with that item timing.