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    Should have just ended the game fast, you had np and sk
    If axe or slardar tries to initiate, you got od astral
    also, you should have made vlads
    edit: ez page

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    Daenuguanerys Targaryen

      I don't really think you want me to comment on a game that happened 2 months ago. Comment on my last game guys, tell me what to do to improve

      Super Senko-san Time

        I would probably go for +10 intelligence because of mana issues.

        When buying Radiance, especially if rushing it, always buy the relic first.

        There's a lot that can't be said about improvement with only stats and numbers so watch how pros play (or Cookie) and learn from them.

        BBL DRIZZY

          Classic normal skill stomp, that was a pretty good performance as sf, good stuff.

          Also: you know it's normal skill when tidehunter buys a pms and tries to get mek at 40 mins xd

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            Classic abbadon game. You sure do like abbadon alot dont ya. Teach me senpai!


              A clear od stomp, tho how u did it while laning against sniper is a mystery. also gj not dying once.

              also jdf8

                ur damage is rly low considering you can make luna/am illus, mb ur micro is bad?

                try to imprison or force sb when he charges u so u dont die, looks like he was giving you problems

                Raining in Manila

                  Jdf carrying some shitstain

                  although shits happen around 15 minute mark



                    It's ok to ragequit with 0-3 tinker :D


                      Nice global core strat i feel like you got carried by ss though


                        Yeah he did carry us and created space for me early to mid game but in late I carried them :)


                          Least death, Most hero damage, Most building damage, 600+ gpm. Well played as carry although some credit need to be given to Storm Spirit for forcing an enemy to deal with him while you farm with no interruption until your ultimate become really haunting to Dire.


                            @HBNN as a sniper I think you fed the early minutes but it's fine a W is a W.

                            Super Senko-san Time

                              Roaming slardar is one of the best heroes in this meta. Unpredictable and leads to fucked up laning phases for the enemy if executed properly. You did all of the warding and you being not greedy made it possible for your carries to carry. An epic game by the looks of it. Nice comeback victory. GGWP.

                              Please help alleviate my pain :(


                                Yep. I was struggling at that game because TA fed earlier and Slark went 0-3 at bottom. TA tilted so hard (that he blamed the whole team luland I motivated her to just focus on farming and while we (riki and I) create space for spec and slark to farm also. Whole team was in limbo and all I can do is to ward and deward until NP rats bottom tower and mid for EZ mega creeps. I just realized that to counter rat, you need to splitpush to even the matters. Hard game though.

                                Super Senko-san Time

                                  Hey wtf no review for me?

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                                    You could have won that loooong game and that hero dmg is insane lul. I understood the struggle of fighting 4 v 5. Overall, a heartstopping game I think. Nice stomp to conclude!


                                      You bought too many unnecessary wards, delayed your dagger a lot and did only 5.4k hd. You were part of a 4-carry team and it doesn't surprise me that you won it with 2 sets of racks down. From 35th min mark and onwards you went for the right fights and did a comeback.

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                                        Ye my illusion micro is mega aids
                                        Fyi i was on sea with 238 ping
                                        Also sb wud just ulti if i broke charge then i wud die anyway.




                                            good job winning with the worst draft i've ever seen

                                            u had high impact and they must have been really clueless how to wreck u guys

                                            Swap Commends

                                              better draft wins. one sided game.


                                                Your last game was a win, but you almost threw it away getting raxed twice. You went 3-9. Meaning that you most likely either didn't play it safe enough and was caught out when not in a teamfight, or you didn't position yourself correctly during teamfights so you always ended up getting killed. In a teamfight the supports job is to use skills and get out. The extra autoattacks you get will not be helpful. You should only engage when spells are up.

                                                Good game though. Looked close. The last teamfight was most likely in your base. You won and were able to throne it right at the end after that teamfight.


                                                  Well played weaver. Most dmg done in your team and good choice of items. Even if they had more kills then your team they didn't have a chance. Gj.


                                                    Classic down syndrome from Daddy and Kannabbi, please a mod REMOVE THEIR COMMENTS. People skipped me and i had a particular game that i wanted someone's insight on!

                                                    Super Senko-san Time


                                                      That StarLord guy did the same to me. Wanted other people's insight for my game.

                                                      Pretty weird game to me. Lineup would've worked much much better if Tusk went 5 and if Slar helped with the warding. A jungling core shouldn't buy all the wards but it's good for you to have the presence of mind to buy wards and will the team to win. Solid pick versus their lineup as Bloodcyka. You guys benefited from poor enemy mid and carry play. Solid aghs pickup. Helps a lot if you want to get rid of Necro, QoP and AM at the same time.


                                                        its pretty much implied if I comment on someone elses post in this thread that u shud skip me
                                                        so idek what the fuck ur talking abt
                                                        either way just stop whining and move on
                                                        if u rlly want insight go make a thread abt it

                                                        anyway regarding the above commenters game...
                                                        classic complete stomp by ck, gr8 tower dmg, those item timings seem good, especially for ck he who cannot farm.
                                                        I think people max rift first but not a huge deviation or anything.
                                                        also I wud take stats at 20 talent not gpm I think stats on an illusion hero like that is too good to pass up.
                                                        gj on that game


                                                          Lol you played carry earthshaker and managed to stomp with a 4 stack on your team. Congrats.


                                                            youre item timings were a bit off and farm was low too. also too less tower dmg showed that there was really less pushing.


                                                              Seems played well and set ur team up for victory
                                                              void seems like a good pick here especially to chrono the sniper and ember and just remove them with et and lich combo
                                                              I would've gone manta instead of ac but all in all fine job

                                                              also r u proud of me bws senpai?


                                                                very low cs but thats not important
                                                                u did good and best choice u did there is buying butterfly it saved u so much no one in team had mmonkey on enemie side
                                                                maybe bkb was better solution that sphere but ok u died 5 times so obv it worked well

                                                                just try farm more that was weak farm u could get those items very faster ( 47 min) plus u had alot kills

                                                                tower dmg low anti should not go under 10 k tower dmg


                                                                  Good game with AM. Should upgrsde your boots


                                                                    You played well, a shame that pa fed. Idk if aghs was correct for that game and why morbid mask at 47min? Should focus skadi maybe if you need more health

                                                                    Super Senko-san Time

                                                                      Enemy had a fucking atrocious lineup. Probably one of the worst I've seen. OD fed and everyone in your team was happy. You did okay for a support. It was a good idea to not learn the level 10 talent as soon as possible.


                                                                        You clearly carried their ass. 20k tower dmg 800 gpm
                                                                        But its a classic normal match stomp


                                                                          That game was pain in the a** for you - guess they just turned your ghost scepter against you. tbh dunno why legion just dueled the magnus 3 times...anyway its vhs and your carries are need to write more about that :D


                                                                            Nice Sky gaming. Really good farm + items. You seemed more like a carry than a support. Gj!


                                                                              Holy hell, outhealing an Omni as a Phoenix is nice :D


                                                                                Playing mk as a mid i see
                                                                                Doesnt give af abt the pro meta
                                                                                A free thinking individual
                                                                                Nice rapira but realistically abyssal is needed here, and deso isnt. Its fine cuz u snowballed hard but u also died 10 times so now im confused


                                                                                  U had lower cs, gpm and damage than tide

                                                                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                    You died alot and your damage could have been a bit better considering you were Ember Spirit... I understand they had a EULS to break linkins but still you died just as much as the supports....


                                                                                      @its free real estate you obviously stomped the enemy team. Ez

                                                                                      Super Senko-san Time

                                                                                        What happened to your bud? Team lineup was atrocious from the start - no stunner, all need farm. Why did Slark and Veno have to get midas as their first item? You are the only positive thing I can take from your team. Nice effort.


                                                                                          You lucked out a little last game, mirana and cw took hell lots of farm away from the pa, making a sad poor pa that could have easily 3 hit u with the right items. With a slarda in team, once you get sb and he gets blink dagger, make it a point to gank continuously, they had 4 softies for you to melt, sb stand beside opp, slarda jumps and haze, 3 hits is all you need with all that armor reduction.

                                                                                          You had 10k++ team networth advantage for 50% of the game time, game should have ended so much earlier without risking a farmed pa that will melt your lineup.

                                                                                          Rektdalf the White

                                                                                            Nice game as an AM, well farmed took towers almost all by yourself. I'd opt for a bkb instead of agha in this game. They have way too many disables and agha is simply not enough here, unless you wait for them to blast all of their abilities on your teammates.


                                                                                              U got shit stomped as jugg but i guess u still only had 2 deaths? Either way the slark lineup rolled u over, try to carr harder/pick better.


                                                                                                Easy weaver win in low mmr. Easy win when the carries in the other team have 0 farm haha. Gj


                                                                                                  Well, this was a lost game from the beginning, the enemies stomped you over. I suppose, there were no communication between your team and they played not so good. Good luck next time.