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    thats cos the left after I made juggernaut abandon

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      nice pugna enemy team no heal i wonder why your slark was a beast so...


        Hmm, being a solo supp, that must have been a bad game for u, i guess

        TBH, people started abusing this jungle role too often and because of that 1 player, the entire game is messed up..

        Fee Too Pee

          seems u played good as earth spirit. but sadly ur team lacking of pushing potential that forced u to play semi carry earth spirit that make ur team lost. well played thou!


            You were a bit of a dead weight but you still won so w/e

            Fee Too Pee

              seems like a stomp with tiny, congrats!

              Pookie <3

                Huskar burning villages atm

                U are all dogshit

                  3v5 sadly. Becomes 2v5 if the doom is any good. This is THE game to carry tho try harder man.


                    i mean, u had a broken combo and your OD snowballed.

                    not much to say here. maybe you played good, maybe you played like complete ass. it wouldn't have mattered in that game.


                      The only way you would have won that ironically is if you skipped the midas and somehow started snowballing much earlier with something like treads+aquila or something.

                      Personally not a fan of midas+blink but shadowblade would have been dumb that game. I don't think you played wrongly but yeah what I said above.

                      common cold

                        you obvsly carried your team. seems to be the case in most of your matches.
                        lol you are a dota god i should watch all your replays

                        Fee Too Pee

                          you carried ur team with slark, dat farming speed with slark man. nice timing midas. wp!


                            buy solar crest. it's broken as fuck. and will help you snowball and make enormous space for your spectre.

                            use solar crest then life break. it will purge the debuff solar crest gives you.

                            now it's a 3000 gold item that causes a 20 armor difference and 55%ish evasion on your target. b r o k e n

                            EDIT: tested now to be sure. apparently they fixed this. its still a stupidly good item on huskar though.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                            Fee Too Pee

                              @Marlan i knew that solar crest ability, common knowledge as huskar player, i prefer heaven halberd for more raw health because magic resistance nerf, and the disarm is just too good on huskar. thanks thou

                              about your match, ur slark is farmed, but maybe too passive? slark is farm from heroes, and.... IS THAT A PRO PLAYER , DC AUI 2000 ON THE ENEMY TEAM? HOLYFUCK MARLAN


                                stomping again with huskar eh? wp!


                                  I wouldn't have gone mek. An early glimmer into a force stuff would have done so much more for you


                                    Edit: Beat me to it. Let's see, you played an excellent chen farm build and I'm guessing rush moon shard on bear is ridiculous for pushing.

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                                      ^random clown fest action-packed game, nothing to see here, quite surprised that you didn't go dagon


                                        Your team has all the advantages. STronger initiation, stronger disengage, and core players who actually can play their heroes (unlike their Lone Druid). That being said, I felt like Invoker and Ember did all the real work on your team and your teamfight participation was mostly vision / truesight / stun vital enemy. Still, for a beastmaster, that's enough.

                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                          Had a cool wombo combo with axe wd. Also you carried the shit out of that feeding qop. I really don't like the fact that you went aghs on juggernaut though. My opinion is that you would've done way better with smth like, manta, s&y, bkb, butterfly or even blink dagger instead.

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                                          Gawr Gura

                                            that's some legit GPM on a farm the whole map and still be there at team fight Ember Spirit.


                                              well you won and did well

                                              but there was literally no reason to go initiator void on a team that can't really make use of the chrono and why mek

                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                Not much to say, you did your best as kotl but you got stomped. Main reason is that your team composition was bad imo. Both ember and storm against invoker and clinkz? Yeah, not gonna happen. I'm very surprised that invoker didn't go orchid as well, guess it wasn't needed. Ember wasn't even going for manta.

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                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                  Not enough kills, too many assists.


                                                    very unique build on riki


                                                      Good job there picking relatively fast online carry and ending the game before 45 minutes mark.
                                                      Those enemy lineup just can't stand a chance even though your team doesn't have dedicated support.


                                                        Y'all ran over them lmao


                                                          (Clockwerk game) pretty much steamrolled them lmao. slightly concerned about where everyone laned and how it ended up working but oh well ez win

                                                          Mr. Pickles

                                                            Playing rd is cool. Btw y

                                                            Mr. Pickles

                                                              You didnt carry luna that much ur support must be awful


                                                                G: impressive win rate with zeus
                                                                B: I guess this might be ur new a/c, created to get calibrated to 3.6K mmr directly... (No offence)


                                                                  You had the best KDA on your team.


                                                                    Wrong thread mate

                                                                    Mr. Pickles

                                                                      Lol dude wrong tread hahaha @scooby

                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                        Good farm,bad mid.low td on sf


                                                                          You lost the game, but you seem to have done better than your teammates.


                                                                            They had the better lineup. I don't see any of you able to deal with WK, ench or pudge.


                                                                              surprised u won after u and rubik fed the other team. u could have topped it off with the rapier by dropping it. lol xP

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                seems u did a good job with role ganker / nuker BH but your alchemist fucked up, WP thou !

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Good Husk performance, standard build and items. Very good HD. Certainly the main reason your team won. Good Job man :]

                                                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                    Not much to say, solid spectre play. Would've won faster if es went for greaves or aether lens/veil instead of that stupid heart build.


                                                                                      Dumpstered kids with OD also 1hour drums on OD? SeemsGood


                                                                                        Won the game with a comeback against the almost impossible to beat Zeus Spectre combo.

                                                                                        Mr. Pickles

                                                                                          All ur team got owned and it seems that you end the game ez. You rolled the game well. Wp lina :)


                                                                                            I actually dont understand how a farmed sven , pa , and ls can lose a game.

                                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                                              Good supporting on omni, standard pickups, not sure who you supported in your lineup tho lol. But that OD Omni combo is gold. Overall good job.

                                                                                              FUTURE FRENCH OFFLANE WEAPON

                                                                                                Y U VANGUARD ON SPECTRUMA

                                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                                  contributed nothing in this game beside farming 4Head
                                                                                                  well deserved loss man for not stopping a 5 manning cancer


                                                                                                    Your build makes me depressed, but you got carried. HARD.


                                                                                                      Your anti-mage war one of the top healers in the game