General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Did what Ursa is supposed to do. Also, liked the skill build of Drow in your team. Really few Drow players know that maxing Frost Arrows really benefit early game.

    @Minerva, what's your solo and party Mmr now?

    Gawr Gura

      Some marathon of a game as a Solo Support CM. Maybe you could have gotten a Force Staff in there as it goes a long way in saving your teammates. Good job though.


        Great game...u support PA and viper well..radiant got hard hero draft to defeat


          Great game with jugg dude ...nice KDA and nothing bad to say about you :)

          stupid fuck 2000

            @Minerva Guy didn't abandon, probably just sold all of his items at the end.

            @不会不练 It wasn't low prio, i just like playing random draft with a buddy. The reason i don't rly play ranked is cause i calibrated 2 years ago at 1.8k. I tried doing it and won 90% of my games all the way to 2.7k but even so, it was way too painful and therefore not worth it.

            Ignore this.

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            The Joker

              My last match, I screwed everyone on my team by not doing a various thing that support should have do because my mental condition aren't ready to play yet I still play anyways because I couldn't resist it


                @joker its because you have 4 carries in a team . you should comment on the person's last game above you not yours ;)

                The Joker

                  Dont know how to analyze one's match without making a mistake yet because I'm still too young for that :)


                    Looks like your 4 carries have failed you :) getting beaten into the ground by pa; only one mkb, and not upgrading to silver edge

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      Meta hero spammer)


                        I'm a hipster, I spammed od before it was cool! Now I stopped, the topic is different tho!

                        I'm gonna comment on your game without looking at it: Riki, average performance but cuz stupid players picked wrong heroes? Haha


                          ya did gud mate, people who skip nature's guise early are fools, literally free initiation. easy game though 5 carries with no stun, classic russian draft.


                            Ouch man. Looks like you were solo-offlane Clock against a linup that punishes aggression. Looks like it was a pain. Your team's invoker did pretty good for himself, but all the other lanes were destroyed. D:


                              Good job playing the legendary pokemon #Stomped

                              The Joker

                       did you play dark seer without getting killed in that match?

                                But I don't understand why Dark Seer need crimson guard in that match?

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  seems you have 3 carry and 2 of them hard carry and you solo support feelsbadman. and of course you get stomped. feelsbadmannnnn. move on to next game brah


                                    good itemisation, maybe get bkb first item after dagger bc of od, sad you lost but i guess that was od doing od things..


                                      pitch perfect puck game, nothing there can do much to you and you could destory them with your skillsets. Seems like yousnowballed hard from mid

                                      Swap Commends

                                        Good early win,One sided game.Nothing much to tell.Gj


                                          Nice items, sad team, what could have been a close game (besides overlooking there is no support) your team had few issues (as it seems) ... bad game i guess

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            Nice impact as LC. Highest net worth, HD, TD, GPM and XPM. Very nice itemization as well. Only negative thing is too much deaths, but you won. Gz


                                              Stomped from 00.00. Highest deny in-game. creep-equilibrium. Good rotations by pudge.
                                              Pudge propably hooked OD early on and afterwards it was freefarm and free pickoffs. Everyone in team carrying tp and opponents have none. Core items up and push til finish. Game was over before it started

                                              Moon :d

                                                Nice items you have... why u build orchird but whatever. You have low gpm and xpm and u have lots of death not so great seems like u randomed puck tbh

                                                Swap Commends

                                                  Enemy got outdrafted,good early winning.
                                                  I assume enemy team was super stupiid.


                                                    @ Moon's Muddy Boots Great carrying you did there as AM, nice farm and six slotted. Your supports should have done more warding considering the lots of ganker, but that doesn't matter as the enemy team got absolutely destroyed.

                                                    @LIT up against a well farmed Lifestealer, there is not much invoker can do

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                                                      much sb + no tanker on enemy + ur salrdar = GeGe


                                                        Enemy team has no BKB vs a fed tinker. Squishy line up. Instanuke deaths everywhere.


                                                          Phoenix did a right choice to abandon because his whole team is feeding clinks and else the entire game. Probably he thought this match waste more time than playing loe proo.

                                                          I PLAY ARC WARDEN MID

                                                            ^jug suked ass

                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              RAT DOTO BEST DOTO , what an asshole u r. for below me : i never jungle LC

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                you won. other team was absoloute shit, and since I think you were jungle, DON'T EVER. JUNGLE. LC .


                                                                  Your team was braindead and you were voker vs od, nothing u can do


                                                                    Great 50 minute farming simulator, just to lose the game anyway, your team lacked teamwork and teamfights, judging by assists.


                                                                      You just feed whole game and your last hits sucks.


                                                                        @ursa i hope you did not get HIV from r@p!π6 h0mo 3r3ctus. With 4 greedy cores that thougt can carry there selves late game but unfortunately late game will never come and 1 silencer pretending to be a support but actually plays like a core cuz he beleives his team is so $h¥33t


                                                                          Support nec is absolute shit dunno why people pick that shit. Dif you have like an offlane jugg? Dudes itemisation was also crap, if hed gone drums>early sny>blink or something he'd have been able to actually take fights. As for you, I'm personally a big fan of euls lesh, you can get many more solo pickoffs than most other options. Atos lesh is pretty good too. Also you guys def got outdrafted, they had insane dmg output with drow aura and pretty good control, dont think you couldve done much this game anyway

                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                            sf + invoker in same team , VANGUARD LC in your team , Fed up ursa in enemy team = GGWP UNINSTALL DOTA


                                                                              Good job there as a team. Looks like everyone in your team is communicating and coordinating quite well.
                                                                              Btw, because there's a Radiance carrier on the enemy team, why not opt for SB instead of Blink ?
                                                                              You can also upgrade it into Silver Edge to disable PA passive.

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                                                                                Man whatever happened at the 32:00 mark must of been awesome. Good job with that turnaround.

                                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                                  oracle spammer ... wat???? 27 1..... wat?????? what even...... good job i quess?

                                                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                    Riki, the most useful hero in the game if you're not considering the other 110, of course. Was that low prio?

                                                                                    Swap Commends

                                                                                      @TINY RICK
                                                                                      Nice ember wr.u won vs radi spectre.Gj


                                                                                        Wow, gj there staying alive the entire match.
                                                                                        Expecting higher GPM / XPM but considering the match only last 30 minutes, i think it's good enough

                                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                                          nice job supporting man , that rich slark wtf, and it seems ur oppenet kinda retarded see a NP 15 3 and rat doto best doto


                                                                                            Close game. 100++ last hits as a jugger in 40mins game?That's not good. Try and practise farming patterns more.

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              nice game.

                                                                                              but stop playing ranked i swear its the best

                                                                                              kunst 2

                                                                                                Pls stop anonymous abuse :D
                                                                                                Good performance but next time better to buy something like skadi instead of SaY or dagger instead of silver.

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                                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                                  Did you just accuse me of boosting with samdboxie

                                                                                                  I did sny and sb cz todays the expory date of the winter battle pass, was really lazy so i had to play dk ala slark

                                                                                                  kunst 2

                                                                                                    No, I just mean that normal skill anomymouse is not good opponents usually :D This is funny, but not very skilled

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