General Discussion

General Discussion6.85 patch notes what your thought?

6.85 patch notes what your thought? in General Discussion

    I see myself playin much more Omni, Ogre and UD this patch, much less Rubick, considering the riki buffs, the glimmer and EUL strong nerfs I'm afraid I'll just be free gold moving around the map even more than now.

    Oh well.


      holy shit i just noticed the ogre magi armor
      what the actual fuck

      icefrog the ABSOLUTE MADMAN

      Quick maffs

        8 armor lmao


          I'm disappointed


            Veno mid incoming Kreygasm


              heres merlini review


                It seems like descent patch since i play/used to play a lot of str carries, but we'll see. Nerfs on mid heroes dont really bother me as long as they are balanced.

                Dire Wolf

                  the patch could be utter shit but as long as it tapers off the bs, storm and lesh spam it'll be perceived as a great success. Those picks way out of control, not even the opness of the heroes, but just that they get picked every damn game. It was like like troll and sniper before and awful.

                  boss up's savior

                    I fell it Icefrog wanted to change TB and make him popular, just in crease his Strength gain and/or starting strength. The reason why no one is picking him isnt because his skills are bad, it's because he is so fucking squishy.

                    the realm's delight

                      u cant just buff his str gain, he has insane armor and attack speed at lvl 1, if he had buffed str gain he'd be op

                      well not op but u get my point 4headd

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        *Ogre Magi*

                        -Base armor increased by 1

                        fuckin clowns..

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        Cold Summer

                          R.I.P storm




                              tried out "new" lesh and nerfs actually hurt. that lightening storm is basically level 3 maxed out, jump fails half the times and since bstone is nerfed it actually hurts him. bought like soul booster then realized stone is shit, and went for core instead. first item core, never good lol.

                              perhaps aghs could be viable on him now.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                Every fucking game there was a bloodseeker now its legion spamming arrows in the offlane with soulring and raping a dual lane lol.


                                  I've played some Omniknight lately, and let me just say this:

                                  THE FUCKING CAST POINT IS REAL

                                  That buff is fucking nuts; I've won at least one fight in four different games because of it.


                                    nothing rly shocking, they cant make a normal patch without overbuffing some heroes


                                      because thats how the approach the game, which imo is utter bullshit, they buff everything to even it out, rather than nerf everything to the ground.


                                        They buff Chaos Knight my life is complete once again ice frog wp.

                                        Sexo Meister

                                          Undying aghs buff is just too damn good, +1 ogre club per decay is just stronk and (if) he survived 20s in teamfigth he can gathered at least +70 damage and 1k hp lol, Aghs => Octa core => E blade is perfect. Full nuke undy 4 the win