General Discussion

General Discussionvalve's way of balancing matches

valve's way of balancing matches in General Discussion
my wife is fat

    kids, don't go 11-2 with a 22kda because weird shits start to happen

    two junglers in axe and luna

    storm feeds mid tiny 3 times and rq

    luna claims to be 6k on his 'main'

    rages why i have no farm and doesn't do anything

    gem of a game

    PS: no idea why i regressed from vhs to hs. no idea why i am even queuing so low with decent hero damage and everything else. matchmaking, a real mystery

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        my wife is fat

          ez mmr ez kda ez life

          u jelly?

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            my wife is fat

              lol btw u sure aren't spamming flavor of the month in ur games :)

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                    my wife is fat

                      lol high 5k on us server actually thinks he is good. cute

                      maybe if u didn't spend so much time on here u'd get on the leaderboard? just a thought

                      PS: funny how ur 'best' hero is one that takes lots of thought processing.....ya spam buttons, go back to fountain, and repeat..

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                          my wife is fat

                            ah kitrak....remember ur game from a couple days ago. the guy who got carried by rtz

                            saw it on panda tv, can't make that shit up.

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                              my wife is fat

                                lol yes because spectre ults have 20 sec cool down and we can just spam into any fight instead of finding an equilibrium between fighting and farming.

                                and yep, we just blindly click the carry instead of going for the backline which i am sure requires more skill than clicking a missile

                                lol laning ability with tinker is just so have lasers and robots? me can lane...

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                                  lm ao


                                    my wife is fat

                                      lol k....maybe if i started playing in 2011 i'd be rtz too? lol?

                                      btw yes i did see you in game.....apparently i watch way too many games....

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                                          why are you wasting time with idiots

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                                              Swap Commends

                                                U are 100% right.Its Illuminati.


                                                  Have you considered going back to your main and actually climbing?

                                                  That seems a bit more productive than arguing with a near 7k player about valve conspiracies.


                                                    I have such a huge argument boner right now, it hurts.

                                                    Anyway, @OP when the "Jungle Luna" has more farm than you and did better than you throughout the whole game, maybe it's time to reconsider why you're in such a shitty bracket.


                                                      wait i can watch RTZ stream on

                                                      my wife is fat

                                                        LOL, I have always wondered how people can play 3.3k games and still be stuck in the high bracket. Shitty bracket? I queue higher than you in 10 games than you queue in 3000 games. Let that sink in for awhile. Ok...good.

                                                        Now....rofl, 'better'? As in him having 50 cs after 3 people left the game? Ok, I see why you are still stuck in high bracket. Some people are just born stupid.

                                                        PS: find it funny that even this jungle luna queues higher than you do. seriously, after 3k games you should have quit.

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                                                          you are falling to HS cz you are a 3k mmr player and do not deserve to play in VHS, I suppose.

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                                                            @my wife is that

                                                            You are a smurf. When I used my smurf it took me 10 games as well. Let that sink in for awhile. Ok...good.

                                                            using a smurf isn't any indication that you are better

                                                            my wife is fat

                                                              yes i am sure thats the reason. despite having top damage, xpm, gpm, 20 kda, 2k+ tower damage, healing and only losing 4 times.

                                                              and i assume u r some low 5k trash just by looking at your profile.

                                                              PS: funny how it was the vhs that i won and the hs that are just too fucking heavy to carry

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              my wife is fat

                                                                except ur account is stuck in normal with shit win rate and shit kda.....1k-2k..kthxbai


                                                                  so 56% over 2000 games is bad? when starting as a new player. also having a 6kda is bad after starting as a new player? averaging 4-5 deaths a game is bad?

                                                                  your aguement is so bad due to the fact the fact that playing spectre gives you a good kda


                                                                    pretty close guess, but why do u call ppl 2k mmr above u trash? how's ur self-esteem doing then?

                                                                    u probably saw a lot of ppl saying that u need kda and hd to calibrate higher, but its actually not true; the basis for your early mmr progression on a new accout is way, way wider.

                                                                    my wife is fat

                                                                      lol its the fact that you are still in normal after 2k games thats bad.....

                                                                      you can try any hero you want....average 1 death per game in 17 games and then come back and talk...rofl (meanwhile win 13 of them)


                                                                        you have to smurf to get out? cute

                                                                        my wife is fat

                                                                          lol so....u think a 3k spamming heroes can trash other 3ks with a 20kda? even in vhs i trashed those kids...

                                                                          like i said, its not only the kda and hd thats good...i have close to 600 in xpm and gpm....and yes i have an urn every game and sometimes take towers. that else do you want? courier kill? rofl?


                                                                            i reviewed several games of yours. you are just prioritizing kda over having impact/winning games. this playstyle doesnt rly improve ur mmr, neither it is good for your own skill progression; it only leads you to a thought that "teammates hold you back cause they got worse KDA", and "you deserve to be placed higher".

                                                                            try to win instead of seeking High stats in the end of the game.

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                            my wife is fat

                                                                              funny how u ignored the res too my post. like i said, go trash some 3ks before you talk. oh wait, you can't even beat 2ks after 2000 games. might as well go play pokemon or sth


                                                                                oh, us dota has been joke for years, nth new.

                                                                                my wife is fat

                                                                                  lol i have 4 losses...tell me which one of them was winnable?

                                                                                  the first one was close...but legion fed twice by dueling 4v1 late in the game and we got raxed

                                                                                  the second game mid necro got raped...

                                                                                  the 3nd one we had three quitters...

                                                                                  4th game zeus lost mid bad, pudge lost offline bad and fed naix 3 kills in 10min...and ya..look at the 1-11 sk...

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    I have 70% winrate in Highskill after 50 games. once again you cant really talk

                                                                                    my wife is fat

                                                                                      LOL coming from SEA...this is gold. we might be 2nd worst...but then there is SEA....

                                                                                      my wife is fat

                                                                                        LOL....the fact you queued hs 50 times in over 2000 games....please...go fiddle with ur balls


                                                                                          all of them were winnable except 3rd one, if only u knew to farm, and wouldnt end up with 500 gpm as spectre in a 40-50 min games with barely any deaths.
                                                                                          slso the hd u have is actually pretty bad relative to the hero/role u play.

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                                            Ahhh dotabuff never fails to amuse me. I'll continue to pay and not play doto

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                              let me just change accounts on my smurf.


                                                                                                just like you op

                                                                                                my wife is fat

                                                                                                  and you do realize that at this bracket u have to find ur own farm right? there is no stacking...and yes, people even take your farm. you queue np and legion or ember..and all they do is take jungle and farm out the lanes....and now coupled with a slow farming hero like spectre....if your team is trash....its gonna be hard to snowball....spectre isn't spark...

                                                                                                  and wards...

                                                                                                  so if i can't farm out a radiance in 25min...where does the hd come from? if team can't engage in fights where does the hd come from?


                                                                                                    oh its NA dota, nvm, sorry, didnt realize this thread is a joke

                                                                                                    my wife is fat

                                                                                                      ya...when u ran out of comebacks...

                                                                                                      notice how every one of those games we had a jungler? so you tell me where the farm is coming from


                                                                                                        from ur skill of playing a carry. u know, all this stuff about decision making, time management and efficiency.
                                                                                                        i mean, a better player would actually win 3 out of 4 of those by just knowing how to find farm and when to join fights instead of losing time running in circles when seeing no opportunities to be useful.