General Discussion

General Discussionvalve's way of balancing matches

valve's way of balancing matches in General Discussion
my wife is fat you are telling me when there is no wards in ur jungle...when all lanes are pushed and coupled with a can farm out items as a spectre?

    and you are telling me that you as a 5k is gonna outlane a necro and axe by yourself as a spectre?

    and notice in the 3 games u are claiming thats winnable you don't see the feeding? even if i had better farm, i am still losing out to that fed am, naix and alchem....


      i dont see impact either. u r just blindly aiming for high kda stats.

      u have to predict ur opponents movements even if you do have wards, cz most players tend to use smokes for kills anyways.
      if u are losing lane and do nothing afking on it, onstead of buying talon and moving to your/enemy junlge, or switching lanes - u should rly re-consider ur life choices and everything else cz thats not how position 1 is played.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      my wife is fat

        lol impact as a spectre? spectre is a hero that depends on engagements by your team....she farms slow regardless how good you are. 7k spectres farm urn drum radiance in 23min and thats last patch...before the nerf to agi gain...

        lol i think i am doing ok with no deaths, or lack therefore, shows that i don't get ganked often...but it does slow down farm when all enemies are missing and you have zero vision....

        lol there is only so much farm on a map....spectre has shit escapes besides q and maybe her you are telling me to farm enemy jungle with a talon as spectre with no wards? lol even if i don't die i imagine it must be super efficient....

        and trust me....there is no lane to switch...every lane besides my lost like shit....can't you see the fed carry they had when i lost my matches?

        off to bed....

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          regional ranking

          SEA > CN > EU > USA

          USA kids just go to bed. dont forget school.


            idk why is ir just so hard to accept that you dont know to play carry and learn to do it, instead of escaping and trying to make urself and everyone else believe that u couldnt do anything.

            q is not a shit escape, particularly paired with a tp scroll that u should alwYs have.
            u r farming enemy jungle pretty well if u can pay attention to the map.
            u have toplay without wards pretty often in higher skill brackets as well, just watch casted games.
            ur teammates can do bad but thats not an excuse for you to do bad as well.


              yo m8 sea server is the worst after sa, even brazil is a better place. after full mvp roster moved to eu, it makes no sense to play on sea at all.


                lol, what a joke, from someone who played 2 games in SEA. stick to your europe west with those inflated mmrs. 5k eu = 3k sea. 4head

                manila major 2 rounds and got out. try again


                  Oh geez guys, seems like i forgot KDA is the only important factor in dota!

                  lm ao

                    Hey guys whats up! :)

                    Can I go side with OP? :)
                    Anyway we are o nthe same level of retardation :)

                    Hoy kitrak putang ina mo bobo ka
                    i fuck your mom in the ass
                    then i kill you noob player

                    triple putang ina mo bobo ka
                    i fuck your babushka in the ass
                    then i find u then i kill u suka blyat pizdec ebani


                      @triplesteal SA(South Africa) the worst server then?


                        Look guys I only play a 60% winrate hero. I think I am a good dota player because I get a high kda with spectre! It's always the teams fault because they are new and feed. I'm going to blame it all on them


                          damn Sir.Swirl, you got the 4k mindset down perfect!


                            yup, but i guess u know it better than any1 else, right?
                            jks aside, some servers are kinda dead cz no one plays there, particularly at higher rating; it takes longer to queue and the mmr variation in solo q is higher. also, these servers were massively used by all kinds of abusers cz its easy to snipe each other there.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Now can I rise to 4k?


                                5k=3k on all regions


                                  All the high Australian players move to move to other countries. the highest being 8k in China! They would never find a game in Australia, let alone SE-A


                                    I'm number one mmr in the region. If anyone needs a coach, i'm available at the moment.


                                      @OP can you please stop arguing with players 2-3k MMR above you? It's hilarious. You keep calling 3k trash and yet it's so obvious that you deserve to be there just based on how great you think a good KDA with Spectre is.


                                        Rofl good shit xd

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          Lel bump the dead thread to remember that this op was dumb as dumb can be

                                          my wife is fat

                                            lol nothing beats a player stuck in normal after 3k games.....really..nothing.


                                              If you knew about climbing mmr instead of making a new account!

                                              my wife is fat

                                                ya i am sure you are climbing all the way up the leaderboard my friend....

                                                2k games and still in normal...u go boy, u go


                                                  As I said earlier, I can make a smurf and be VHS too. but what's the achievement in that?

                                                  my wife is fat

                                                    lol first of all, u are a 2k on the worst server of no, even if you make a new account you are not gonna stomp your first few games

                                                    even if you did, you are gonna get shit on once you do get queued into vhs..because guess what? you are a 2k shithead....

                                                    ps: besides my last game which i queued 3 3.8ks and 1 retard.....the last few games were at 4.5k. pretty sure i still posted a 7-8kda and won my fair share


                                                      yes but I'd like you to achieve that with a hero who doesn't have a high winrate and press R


                                                        worst server of all
                                                        worst server of all
                                                        worst server of all
                                                        worst server of all
                                                        worst server of all

                                                        seeing this line used is starting to get repetitive, there is literally no meaning to bringing this out other than to boost your own ego

                                                        trash on a silver plate and trash in the dustbin is still trash, i dont care where you're from you god dam trash

                                                        people need to stop bringing this up

                                                        my wife is fat

                                                          you should be happy...ur sea server is better than his aussie crap...u r no longer the worst!

                                                          lol @ my aussie mate....56% win rate in 6.87 my friend....wk has a higher win rate and riki has the same win rate....i am sure those heroes are hard as fuck. op compared to what? arc warden?


                                                            ^^not surprising u r mad considering you are playing on the worst server of all

                                                            4Head 4Head 4Head
                                                            Where are all the na dota jokes? oh wait, na dota is a joke by itself.

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              I could play 4 games tonight and all of OP comments will be incorrect as I will be 3k trash xD

                                                              my wife is fat

                                                                lol na is a shithole...esp west with all the peruvians and other filthy south american apes

                                                                but when you got a sea and aussie server, you know you are no longer the worst out there

                                                                cheers mate

                                                                my wife is fat

                                                                  3k on aussie server? after 2000 bloody games? you don't say

                                                                  you must be the next miracle.


                                                                    player skill is still the same. But when the player base is tiny and your country still has 8k players. I did not see 1 8k NA :)


                                                                      yeah i am mad

                                                                      i could honestly brush it off it people were just using it as bait or just trolling but then some people are genuinely idiotic enough to believe it

                                                                      its like being pro-white all over again, "lmao my skin is white im beddur than u blacks, the average white person is much more sucessful den u blk ppl its proof lmao u sihtstain u deserve to be purged"


                                                                        his wife is fat, why no one understand


                                                                          When OP gets roasted

                                                                          my wife is fat

                                                                            lol when your country has only one 8k player and leaves for another server.....LOLOLOL

                                                                            and LOLOLOLOL you don't see any 8k NA player? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......there is a leaderboard you know....

                                                                            and lol yes i care so much about having a fat wife that i have it as my display name. its like some guy with 80 iq is gonna use a display name like "i have down syndrome".....i am sure that insult gets me everytime bro....ouch

                                                                            my wife is fat


                                                                              trashing 4.5-5k like i trash 3k....

                                                                              last game was the 5.1k clinkz accuses opponents of map hacking because he can't macro for shit and has 1 kill in 30min. his team rqs on him and he just farmed zeus instead of defending rax.....says he has whole game recorded....wait what? like there isn't a replay button....


                                                                                I love it when a shitty person in Dota 2 gets roasted after he flames someone hard. True I may be only in 3.5k, but I was 1.5k when I started. A 2k climb is pretty good improvement over time rather than just making a new account to get higher every time to prove your tiny dick syndrome.

                                                                                But hey, what do I know, I play on the worst server of them all .

                                                                                Keep going about how great u are at the game. I will be seeing you and your team at the International this year.

                                                                                my wife is fat

                                                                                  LOL! how do you even queue 1.5k to begin with...

                                                                                  anyone with an iq of 100 and doesn't have his right hand amputated queues 2.5k and higher.....

                                                                                  but then again, i am not expecting much more from a 3k kid with 3k games under his belt. look, in 7k more games, u r gonna be 10k....1 mmr for each game played...EZ


                                                                                    Well my dear sir, When you have never played PC before and you're a console gamer and you calibrate with no mouse. It's very easy to get 1.5k

                                                                                    my wife is fat

                                                                                      lol...i am sure if u r blind u calibrate at 5 mmr......or 3k after 3k games...

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        How does it feel OP that someone who can climb MMR and not to worry about getting into 5k anytime soon cause I've shown progress over the course of 4 years that show ACTUAL growth which is the most important thing in gaining experience in a video game, can sit here, shit on you, and continue to climb and get better at the game?

                                                                                        do know skill, and I do know growth. I do know that starting a smurf account and then whine to people on the internet.

                                                                                        Also, MMR wasn't implemented till I was about 1.5k games in. So techincally, I only have 1.6K games.

                                                                                        (First match was in 2012-11-22 of EVER playing a MOBA and my first MMR match was in 2013-12-14, nearly a year later.)

                                                                                        I don't need to cheat to prove I'm good. I rather start out shitty, then work my way into being good. Cause that's what's called Progress. Something you wouldn't understand. You're just a dirty meta picker, and won't get any better at the game.

                                                                                        Good day.

                                                                                        my wife is fat

                                                                                          HOLY SHIT

                                                                                          4 YEARS







                                                                                          Progress..............L O L


                                                                                            4 years of data is better than 4 days of data.

                                                                                            Or do you not math right?

                                                                                            my wife is fat

                                                                                              "Or do you not math right?"

                                                                                              maybe i spent my time learning grammar?

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                Question dodge. You clearly don't know how to do math.

                                                                                                Or meme for example.

                                                                                                my wife is fat

                                                                                                  L O L

                                                                                                  this is pure gold


                                                                                                    Says the guy who is having a temper tantrum on the internet about why his get gud fast scheme isn't working. XP


                                                                                                      OP whats ur problem mate?

                                                                                                      There will be a lot of people on this forum lower MMR than you, but also a lot that are higher, just try to help out/learn