General Discussion

General DiscussionBest wraith king build in ur opinion

Best wraith king build in ur opinion in General Discussion
Ramtin H

    Hey guys,I just want to know what items u get on wk.I usually go treads into blade mail then blink radiance and after that all based on enemy team picks.
    any other ideas?!


      Tranquil/arcane magic stick raindrops solar crest


        actually i replaced echo sabre with mjolnir


          mjolnir did better attack speed




              Echo sabre was never good on WK tbh lol

              Chao Vritra

                i have not played him in many patches but I really liked midas>radiance>Blademail>refresher

                doc joferlyn simp

                  oh ofc, the legendary im-trying-to-meme-but-im-not-good-so-im-feeding-but-i-have-acheived-max-meme-level build. so you can die thrice in a span of a minute and still feel like a god

                  casual gamer

                    echo is 100% trash item on this hero


                      i usually go treads into aghs and then rapier=ez mmr

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        ^5k games 4k god Benao says bfury is mandatory for pa and after that a naked nkn rush. anything can work if you believe


                          quelling-treads-wand-armlet-blink-bkb<->maelstrom(can be swapped)

                          after that one of those: deso, mjöllnir, AC, abyssal

                          deso if you have low push,
                          mjöll always upgrade it,
                          AC if you need armour,
                          abyssal if you need to keep slippery heros in place that will otherwise kite you

                          in normal skill going radiance build isnt good. you cant be the "ill soak up damage while burning them"

                          normal skill you have to carry the game

                          also ns players will never get their radience in time anyway

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                            Ramtin H

                              Tnx for the comments guys especially thanks also I want to know what is the good timing on getting radi!?


                                path to victory gets it at around minute 20, so that would certainly be a good timing...

                                but as i said in normal skill if you stay in jungle too long your team will collapse, also i seriously doubt you would get the same timing. the later you get it the less relevant it gets.

                                just go for the safelane carry build. stay out of jungle

                                also if you go jungle skill lvl 2 and 3 into stun, check the runes at the river. if you get invis or haste you can 100% kill the enemy mid or offlane. giving you XP and creating a good mood within your team....or just prevent them tilting over an afk jungler... ns its sooo much about mentality, i literally have people abandoning every game no matter which side...

                                gank mid this way 2 times and he will a. abandon b. start flaming

                                both cases you won

                                btw your name will 100% tilt at least someone of your team already at loading screen....

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                                Ramtin H

                                  ok tnx and I will change my name ASAP :D

                                  Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

                                    I feel like treads into blink + AC with maybe a blade mail in between against certain lineups works fairly well. The BM is also useful for giving you that little bit of int boost if you don't wanna buy an echo sabre (which you might not based on previous comments here)

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                                      Rushing AC?

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        Boot,Armlet,SE,Assault,Skadi seem good

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Armlet deso build hits like a mack truck around 20 mins. Treads armlet blink deso, two shot bitches then get bkb.


                                            Echo not trash. Gives desperate mana early on if you teamfight a lot. Also pairs well with basher. If you don't have the luxury of time its good very early.


                                              My 1v9 Jungle build.

                                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                I like shivas very much on wk. No kappa.


                                                  the build is usually armlet and blademail early into radiance. its almost always followed by blink, bkb when needed, mjollnir and ac for attack speed.


                                                    Radiance/Blade Mail core, everything else is for sub-65% winrate on WK losers.

                                                    Building Deso into BKB is like the worst one I've seen.

                                                    Not building Radiance on WK is a loser sin most typically. And yes, I am being harsh, because the Radiance build really is far superior to everything else. By a tremendous shot.


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                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I like echo deso build too, armlet echo deso you will blink on people and those two initial hits usually kill them.

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        Radiance Aghs


                                                          The build i like to go for is treads armley echo blink then situational


                                                            but as i said in normal skill if you stay in jungle too long your team will collapse

                                                            when i normal skill, so many situation when a jungler like mirana (old ancieng cliff jungling) or whatever farm for 20 mins then go out and win the game
                                                            people in ns so passive, you dont get punished ANYTHING for playing a jungler
                                                            maybe you just bad and find excuse about your losing-lane XD


                                                              Is bfury not good on WK ?


                                                                If bf doesn't work on jugg it can't work with wk


                                                                  Wat about armlet blink AC

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    early ac almost never value any hero


                                                                      What about armlet blink maelstrom blademail AC


                                                                        wk need more attack speed build mjollnir or assault

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          Wand, treads, armlet, blademail, blink is my fav build.

                                                                          Im quite basic, rest of the items game dependant


                                                                            Bloodstone octarine refresher rapier?


                                                                              I saw someone getting MoM and it worked really well actually




                                                                                  Depends what you gonna do, if you go lane or jungle, builds actually differ. Armlet, brown boots, talon, magic stick, treads, midas, blight stone, echo sabre, much options for this hero. Later you can build whatever you need...

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                                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                                    I go treads , armlet , wand , then radiance to blink

                                                                                    When you get kited u can still damage them as you stay a hell long time in teamfight


                                                                                      BoT, aghs, octarine, refresher, divine rapier x2

                                                                                      never die and if you do just TP back to base and drop rapiers in well
                                                                                      all the reward for none of the risk
                                                                                      could give up the second rapier for a bloodstone if you want to become king of memes

                                                                                      also jdf8

                                                                                        until SOMEONE STUNS U WHEN U TP LMFAO

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          @Talenheim you need bkb for that to work


                                                                                            PMS unless you want to go basher, then stout into vanguard.
                                                                                            Echo Sabre is so good early. Mana, strength, and almost guaranteed crit in double strike.
                                                                                            Boots are situational. Sometimes I even go mana boots, knowing I can always disassemble. BoTs are great.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Tutz linked a bunch of wk jungle games. Is jungle wk actually good? I usually do fine in lane as wk but then don't farm nearly fast enough without mjollnir to get that radiance. Idk I just suck at radiance wk I feel.


                                                                                                How do u stun wk during his tp after aghs death isnt he invulnerable?

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  No you can still stun.

                                                                                                  "Allies in Wraith form can act freely like regular heroes, but are also still affected by everything like a regular hero, except that they cannot die during it by any means.
                                                                                                  This means they can still be attacked and targeted by spells regularly, making it possible to disable them."

                                                                                                  I know for a few games some people were trying to abuse rapier + aghs and tp out during that wraith time to drop rapier at base but really all you need is a stun.


                                                                                                    Depent on enemy Hero
                                                                                                    Mana Burn Hero u just farm fast to lv25 with Midas
                                                                                                    And armlet is wk coreitem IMO radiance is better than Sny atk speed item


                                                                                                      Build late game.

                                                                                                      AC, Threads, Abysall, blink, Mjolnir, Bob or heart