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43 коментара



      sosite hui

      Gameplay Innovator

        Talking about lion: "Despite all that, the hero was largely ignored during the International"

        WTF is this guy smoking, how is 13th most picked hero during TI "ignored"

        Talking about disruptor: "With decent laning presence and good matchups vs. many popular heroes, it was weird to see hero getting almost completely ignored during the biggest tournament of the year."

        "Almost completely ignored", 6th most picked hero at TI and literally tied for most popular support pick along with Vengeful Spirit. I'm wondering if this author even watched TI this year. What a pointless article.

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          "Supporting is a very delicate task which requires a lot of thought starting in the drafting stage"
          "Support heroes are the backbone of any lineup"


            Author specifically said at the lans, not the whole TI. Learn to read idiot

            Scuttlebug Jamboree

              Hungry Like The Wolf that link is the entirety of main qualifiers as well, the numbers discussed here are all about LAN.


                @hungry like the wolf: Like First Pick Mirana pointed out, the link you provided covers all the qualifiers for TI as well.

                For just TI LAN, this is the table you should refer to. You'll see only 16 picks and 8 bans for Lion

                not racist anymore

                  where is visage?


                    Since WW come to the scene Visage has loss his flight in pro tournament games. :( sad

                    M U R D E R

                      Nyx Assasin 64% win rate , highest out of all heroes with 20+ matches played, not even mad thats amazing

                      Yet no article

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                        11th and proud !


                          Still Dazzle !!!!


                            lol newbs

                            STOP! In the name of the ...

                              Get cancer and pie boobs

                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                Why there is a Crystal Maiden instead of Winter Wyvern in the picture of Winter Wyvern section? o.O

                                Urist McDragonslayer

                                  Wait, Lion and Disruptor were fairly popular supports at TI6, why didn't my boys Visage or Treant Protector make the list?


                                    @Quinkerros: I was about to say that. It truly bothers me a lot.

                                    DMITRY KLOKOV

                                      wtf , useless article... only lion infused raindrops is a good point.


                                        Support role is dead. Dead.



                                          Just cause you're awful at supporting doesn't mean the role is 'dead'.


                                            Did anyone else come for the Visage image?

                                            Keep Awake

                                              @Danergald I guess the thought behind that is since drow was big at this tournament, her automatic pair getting 0 picks emphasizes how much of a zero he's become in the eyes of pros.


                                                winter wyvern is a top carry, and yeah, ama 0k


                                                  exactly one article before this one, lion is a counter to timber, in this one, lion isnt enough.. so...? this guys are not working together it seems..


                                                    misleading thumbnail :'(



                                                      This images comes from the comics highlighting ww. But you are right, its quite misleading

                                                      not thp

                                                        @Hungry Like The Wolf ahahahahaha fucking retard. counting all of qualifiers where low-tier teams that know nothing of the meta plays. nice statistics bro


                                                          Worst blog ever.


                                                            I feel like the author of this blog has very little understanding of dota. Most of his arguments are just bullshit.

                                                            Like: disruptors spells have a delay. This has and and always will be the case, but definitely isn´t the reason why he has fallen out of meta.

                                                            Or that Lion can "only" kill 2 illusions. This is amazing for a support. Taking out 2 illus immidately and then still having earth spike, a ground target spell that can stun all illus that are left if used correctly amd furthermore having the option of a late game ags to kill all illus / immidiatley reveal the real hero since the illus take way more damage.

                                                            Imo the winter wyvern argument was kind of pointless. Yes he is no longer op, but not every hero can be a top pick. The hero is in a good spot, maybe a few minor buffs are needed but that´s it. Heroes like Visage that got featrued on the thumbnail and have not been picked at all (correct me if δm wrong on that one) would have been more interesting to discuss.

                                                            Also lots of your arguments are very shallow. Like: " Bane is somewhat gold and experience dependent". Why should bane be gold or xp dependent ? He doesn´t have a strong ags and his skills don´t need an item like blink dagger to be effective. Obviously with items like ather lens he is stronger than without, but that accounts for every hero. Furthermore Bane is considered to be one of the strongest level 1 heroes with nightmare, so the xp argument also falls flat imo. Even his ult only scales in damage and he gets full utility at level 6.

                                                            Honstly this blog was so bad that I´m never going to read one again. Dotabuff is a great stats website, but the blog part is trash.

                                                            ROAD TO RAMPAGE

                                                              sam sosi hui, pidor


                                                                31st yaay boy


                                                                  Visage needs to change the way he is played
                                                                  when he summons familiars they should always follow him and you cant control them when you want to stun an are you just press the ability to stun from visage and one familir will be sent directly to the impact location when the familiar restores it automatically attempts to go back to visage... A very simple mechanic and it would make the hero famous most pub players would pick him considering he is good vs some current meta heroes...


                                                                    GOTTA GO FAST


                                                                      @enchanted mango, i disagree, cuz visage familiars are 2 summoned units and most be used as aditional units (how it is right now), is just uncomfortable the difference betwen the move speed of the hero and the familiars.. in other hand, and taking u idea.. there is no need for puck to use another button to teleport to ilussory orb, or IO using 2 secondary buttons to expand and compress his damaging balls (i dont remember the name of the ability)... they should be used like rubick telekinesis.. one button to trigger, and the same for the optional effect.. just IMO, IO could be a pub-star with that simple change.. sadly, volvo wont heard me.. ¿someone know how can i comunicate this ideas?

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                                                                        dat heroes

                                                                        Urist McDragonslayer

                                                                          @Enchanted Mango I think you misunderstand Visage, him being simplified that much fundamentally changes the hero. Having the birds as their own entities allows you to juke enemies and position them to take towers or cut creep waves. Removing the mobility of the units entirely and having the chained to you would be a massive nerf to an already unpopular hero. Also the Familiars are extremely valuable, so if you have them stuck to you how are you supposed to keep them out of trouble so you don't lose them and have to wait an eternity. His birds need a buff, not a change.

                                                                          What his familiars really need is either 1-2 more hitpoints against Heroes to give them more survivability against heroes like Weaver/Clinkz/PA/Mirana/Anyonewithgoodattackspeed or to give the familiars the ability to warp to Visage like Lone Druid bear. Visage is currently super strong, the reason why he isn't a pro pick is because he doesn't have the ability to TP around to help others or roam due to being anchored by his birds, and in this highly mobile meta that is a major weakness. Without his birds it's like you are only using half your hero, like Enchantress without Enchant or Lone Druid without his bear, so he is terrible at being mobile unlike every other support(Barring other creep based supports like Enchantress and Chen.) Another massive buff to familiars would be to give them greater vision(The birds are practically blind) but this would make them just a better BM hawk.

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                                                                          clueless clown

                                                                            @Hungry Like The Wolf Those picks are mainly from the qualifiers, I'm pretty sure that the author is referring to the main event only.


                                                                              @Urist McDragoslayer, i once was triying visage a lot, then, i face death prophet, exorcist kill my familiars in every fight feeding her to the infinite, after that, fuck visage.. he is strong, but have a terrible mobility (as u say) and extremely weak-feeders summoned units..

                                                                              Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                                I spammed Crystal Maiden for 2 weeks. I got 69% winning rate

                                                                                PMS Mantra

                                                                                  I have personally lost games because of badly timed WW ults used when other big team fight ults were used at the same time. When she was nerfed, her ult became more like Naga's at that point. Still very good, but very dangerous.

                                                                                  But She's A Robot :(

                                                                                    Just enjoy the blog and take what's important to you. Easy right? Stop howling like a baby. Try to learn from everything. Even if you called this blog is a trash. #neutral #sympathy


                                                                                      buff my visage!!!

                                                                                      Eternal Meow

                                                                                        You couldn't find a pic of Winter Wyvern? I guess Crystal Maiden is looking for her.