General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    You need to untilt m8 go analyse some games or do the last hit challenges till you drop

    mr. rabbit

      tilt is my greatest weakness. i guess the saying "you are your worst enemy" holds some truth into it xD

      im feeling even more motivated now that my friend got 4k tho!


        Man if u feel like u did ur best u gonna feel good even if u lose. If u deeply dont feel u did good then u gonna feel bad and tilt. Like in my cm game in this acc im pretty sure i did good. Not great, but good. If i didnt do what i did, my team's score wouldve been like 0 20 or smth


          I'm gonna get 1k by the end of the year dattebayo!!!!

          mr. rabbit

            sadly i dont think im the kind of person who'd be happy simply if i did well in a game, in the end the results are what i jerk off to every single time i play xd

            mr. rabbit

              werent u 1k alr apoop smh


                I'm 0.9k RN m8

                mr. rabbit


                  btw just played timbersaw in a solo ranked game today, top gpm and won the lane (and game!) so hard even tho i shared a lane with magnus, been like forever since i legit enjoyed playing dota xddddd

                  sadly timbersaw today is a shadow of his former self, he literally gets countered by the heroes he used to shit on

                  mr. rabbit

                    @apoop cant u just play zeus and win 4 games with him xd


                      But forreal dota has thing when u have much info about the game but still havent progressed to be good enough. There are too many ideas. U watch pro games. U see different metas and heroes. U see different guides. All the info just stacks up and u get confused!! I think that's what we should focus on, not getting confused by all the info. Like first list out the info and stuff u wanna implement in your game for example better map awareness so u know all of it on paper and it doesnt float in ur head. Then just choose a hero. Fuck meta fuck map fuck everything u know enough to pick a hero that u like playing overand over without getting tired of (mine is ember) just spam him icetea style make ur own build even if others call u retard or whatever. That's my goal after i stop playing from next week till next 2 months


                        I mean after the 2 months :/

                        mr. rabbit

                          yeah, ill definitely try to get 4k before summer school ends! (since i pretty much get no vacation xd)


                            I can win almost all my games with Zeus but man solo rank is so fucking toxic

                            mr. rabbit

                              dota in general is toxic, deal with it


                                Yo apoop why do u even bother listening to chat. Ive been doing this for quite some time. At start of the game when we are picking, i remind everyone we're --k mmr and we WILL make mistakes just chill. Then if anyone starts tilting after i said this i mute him. If i see anyone else that isnt tilted talkin to the tilted guy i tell them to focus on their game so they do their job. Then if anyone becomes toxic i mute him. If i see ppl still talkin to toxics even if only a normal conversation i mute them too. if i get tilted myself i mute every 9 person. oh i forgot i mute all 5 enemies at start since they dont cause anything but distraction. also if a teammate is retarded but not toxic i mute him but still talk to him in chat but i dont need his response. neither his response matter to me nor his ideas.

                                i hope it helps!


                                  I refuse to deal with it


                                    ultimately when u are sad from last game's performance, mute all 9 at start of the new game, remind urself ur mmr and how u cant rely on anyone but u. then try to think of a strategy and execute it till u win or change it to a better one


                                      Maybe I should just ple sniper every single game with first pick hahahahahhahahahahahahha

                                      mr. rabbit

                                        what i do is that i spam glhf chat wheel t the start of the game and spam taunts to lighten the mood. also my bad and non sarcastic use of well played are chat mvp's

                                        also the phrase "what can i/we/you do?" works wonders in my experience. every time they complain about some stupid shit i ask them "yeah what could u do about?" then they stop complaining for a while

                                        also rly like it when they flame me about something with no clear reason ("wtf <hero im using>") then i ask them "what u expect me to do" either they cant answer back cuz theyre retards and dont know themselves or i actually get legit advice, its a win win situation

                                        but outrgiht mostly muting them is the best

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          knowing who to mute actually saves some brain cells from exploding themselves

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            BSJ. LGD

                                              wtf is that

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                a virus?!


                                                  like what is the name of that actress


                                                    I really enjoyed my last game even though I played like shit. Teammates are getting better as I climb up and I actually communicated well with my team without tilting. Result is ppl listened and worked together. I'm gonna hit my skill ceiling soon since communication is becoming more and more important. Lul.

                                                    When I have a game like that I don't want to play dota anymore for fear that the next game will never live up to it.


                                                      sure u wont. sure u wont.


                                                        Haven't played for 2 days :v


                                                          play with my crystal maiden i'll give you cookies

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            I managed not to throw the game with sniper.
                                                            Something must be wrong with the universe

                                                            FREE PALESTINE

                                                              I would belive it's the end of the world if you manage to win as lion lul


                                                                dont underestimate urself ur playing against 1k 2ks lul


                                                                  I have win with lion m8 just not in solo q ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                  FREE PALESTINE

                                                                    > Good game, Well played


                                                                      Playing lion in solo q was what made me quit solo q in the first place

                                                                      i have 5 reports to use

                                                                        do you guys experience crashing in the shadowverse mobile app after the totg update?


                                                                          Apoop race me to 1k


                                                                            Btw how do u jungle veno?


                                                                              get 4 clarities and some parts of aquilla, go offlane jungle, i dont recall the ward cd but u gotta stack up wards from like min 00:00 or smth put em in between the two camps. now attack the hard camp then attack the mid camp once to tigger their aggro and just put wards while u stay in the middle attacking the bigger creeps. take rune and go to the other jungle and again take two camp by warding in between. clear jungle like this rest of the game till u got some items and can push.

                                                                              item build i like = aquilla treads lance shadow blade into silver edge bkb/pike/manta mjollnir butterfly eye etc etc.

                                                                              level build goes like e w e q e r e push mid then max q then w. when ur ult is up just go push a tower with a teammate while u buy a ward an put it behind tower or near shrine for tp vision. if they tped u tp to another lane and drop tower. if they didnt tp u drop that tower. u dont let the enemy take ur creeps u and ur ally go behund tower and if he tries to attack your creeps u make him regret it. drop towers kill ppl with sb and ult + others' help then push towrrs fast. u dpnt wanna be afk farming after the first 7 mins oor something like after aquilla boots or pt boots


                                                                                Maybe I should stick to spamming zeus


                                                                                  ^u autist just cuz u jungle veno doesnt mean u throw with that retarded item build. I went greaves into veil into aghs, we already won when i finished aghs tho, also i wudve gone octarine or pipe after aghs

                                                                                  FREE PALESTINE


                                                                                    I experience extreme lags

                                                                                    Oh wait, that already happens even before the update LUL, I love my internet connection

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      Utility jungle veno is rly good its like enigma u jungle rly fast and u have rly annoying spells especially those snake wards


                                                                                        Veno is really fun to play in low mmr.


                                                                                          Hey guys what software did you use when you want to make memes


                                                                                            fuck dat veno carry ftw


                                                                                              i use paint or powerpoint rofl


                                                                                                I want to use this one can you tell me how you do it?


                                                                                                  just select the word parts and hit delete then (select tool)
                                                                                                  then wtith write tool


                                                                                                    no one taking page everyone on skewl lul