General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    lol i played cookie's crystal meth recipe last game where our "4k" 44% winrate dp took mid and in voice we understood she's a girl (maria) and proceeded to add her to our party for the next game where i played the legendary invp rofl. hoe can u have 4k mmr and pick storm offlane and ask how u should take levels

    doc joferlyn simp

      is maria hot

      doc joferlyn simp

        every girl ive literally played with has bloated their stats or their mmr. quick check of dotabuff disproves em tho lmao

        well, all girls who have said that they are girls (team speak as well)

        mr. rabbit

          my stats arent bloated, neither is my mmr! watch ur mouth!

          mr. rabbit

            @Sia that was a nice plan i didnt think of that

            what i did was go bot, fail contesting axe, go mid, tink is alr lv 2 so i got killed on my 2nd charge, go mid again kill him but die again, go bot, almost killed both axe and dazzle but axe survives, go mid, for some reason tink survives because he has a faerie fire, then ganked jugg

            i left wk completely unchecked, some ganker i am, he almost won the game for them, i kept on failing rotations but eventually got my shit together and made it work


              idk there was that girl who i friended "marta" who was hot and played doto and had a pic with notail too! and another russian one who was a good player and 7/10 hot and her name was ann. also recently added a (i think sea server) 6k girl havent played with her yet.

              mr. rabbit

                i guess i still lack a lot of experience xD

                mr. rabbit


                  AM confirmed sleeper hero 7.05? :thinking:


                    alice try thinking like this in games

                    aight so in the picking phase and strategy time u got a shit ton of free time to think but ppl dont. u should. look at each pick and see how u could synergise/counter it. make a general strategy. like im sure u wouldve known that u cant contest axe + dazzle as in staying there. sometimes theres nothing u can do about something so u gotta think of another way. here the other way was going on jug and wk so hard that they either rotate dazzle to top and bot space created. or dazzle wouldnt rotate so u go with aa and am and drop their top tower under 10 min and guess what wk's jungle is exposed. also u charge mid and kill him twice after min 4 which is night. now there might only be a farmed axe with 4 unfarmed cores. u now can ward and go smoke gank anyone who comes out to desperately farm. am against wk!!! and u can shit on tinker so hard that he cant get BoTs till min 20 just charge in the right time.

                    generally i mean from the picking phase till start horn is when u should abuse the fact that u can think of strategies while others dont have any idea what they're doing other than csing or harrassing oor a fixated pattern they have

                    mr. rabbit

                      i couldnt think of a more viable strategy for some reason

                      as i said it was completely possible for us to contest dazzle axe lv 1 bot by killing the dazzle, it wasnt the best option, because axe is the core hero there and i would need a lot of confirms to make it happen. the confirms DID happen (counter helix axe obv, dazzle doesnt have grave, and their regen isnt much) but it was too much trouble for what it's worth. at the time this was the best plan i could think of

                      the main thing i was thinking of was how to secure my AM thats why i was trying to disrupt axe, but i forgot that i can just shut everyone down except bot so dazzle/axe becomes a non factor. a pos 3 and 4 cant do much if their two pos 1's and their mid is suffering

                      i also have this "pattern" i got from 6.3k pos 4 SB spammer, where if the enemy mid is a weak lv 1 hero, u try to kick him out of lane even if u cant kill him, which is what i was trying to do but mistimed it so i failed unfortunately

                      me not ganking WK even once was a surefire low skill scrub mistake though

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      mr. rabbit

                        i think im just gonna blame my finger injury because it hurts so much


                          ye as i said just think of a strategy now if u actually did make one it's a god start even if it failed. strat making becomes stronger by analysing and watching pro replays and asking why did he do that. i didnt know analysis can go this deep until i watched the bsj's laning guide. like holy shit u can analyse ur first 10 mins of game in 10 different subjects (like csing, harrassing, xp denying, was it worth it to kill there, efficiency, postioning, bluh bluh) over and over again! it can take more than an hour to analyse 10 mins. it's like solving math examples if u learn the math lesson u cant do shit with it till u do the excercises exactly like that u wont do shit differently if u dont do game analysis or bot match/demo muscle memory practice. ye ye it's a lot to do for a game but it's the way u could climb faster. ppl ask how they can climb and when u show them the way they say fuck that. same for making money and happy life and etc

                          mr. rabbit


                            i analyzed 6.3k sb spammer's games about what he does for the first 10 mins and it took me 2 hours

                            mr. rabbit

                              and i still havent fully figured out some stuff he does

                              BUT he has a pattern which i luckily found out


                                nice alice 4k incomin

                                mr. rabbit

                                  ppl ask how they can climb and when u show them the way they say fuck that

                                  this is so true but if u put yourself into other ppl's shoes u kinda get where theyre coming from. in general everyone wants to be great at something but some ppl ridicule stuff like try harding and stuff like that because from what they see other ppl who managed to get what hey want didnt seem to get it with any effort, so why do they have to put in effort if others didnt?

                                  thing most ppl fail to realize is that effort is almost always never seen because the results always hides that cheesy shit

                                  which is really convenient if u dont rly want someone to know that ur basically no-lifing for a video game...

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    example is bws pretty much sure that guy cleared all of cookie's practices and watches bsj for 3 hours before he sleeps but hides behind the guise that he's trying to study for irl studies because he doesnt want ppl to treat him like a nerdy loser :v

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      yes exactly.

                                      the thing is ppl who i call 95%ers of earth are all we see around us and their job is to kill dreams, discourage, tell u that u dont deserve stuff, u will never get there, and if u try hard they make fun of u. the 5%ers tho either will fall to these 95%ers force or not give a shit. if u dont give a shit when kitrak says lol to ur idea, or when ppl say anything u would be able to succeed. my mom always says what would ppl say? and stuff which limits ur life like shit


                                        iwouldnt hide anything btw maybe it's a problem but the only things i hide would be masterbation from family and maybe sometimes going to gamenet instead of useless school subjects. i dont hide my personality. i also dont tend to argue with ppl in parties and gatherings like others bc i think if im not changing other guy's mind and im not learning anything from him im wasting time i can be doing something useful instead


                                          by now u would know im tryhard af and i know a good amount about psychology and how to succeed and i wont give a shit if anyone here doesnt like
                                          me for my personality. i would give a shit if I made someone sad or insulted him tho. u got what i mean?!

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            I don't give a shit to thouse who said I can't claim to 4K with only jungle.

                                            I don't give a shit when 7K ywn or 5K cookie said I can't reach 5K easily without lane.

                                            I don't give a shit for failure that lose their life/soul on social pressure.

                                            I do what I can,I do what is right,I enjoy life I enjoy love

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              icetea my love xd

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                yeah pretty much

                                                but i always draw a fine line between criticism and trash talk

                                                i dont want to make exceptions for myself; if someone says something bad about me, i wont dismiss it immediately as something bad to be ignored.


                                                  very true.


                                                    -.-, everything i read here is uggh....

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      that pic is like, "really Higga" but u should be like WutFace :thinking:


                                                        who haz 1k account pls loan i need my memes

                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                          i told u i have one

                                                          clement got it out of lpq too


                                                            ook ook aak


                                                              bws has his 2k account that he basically doesnt use anymore. ill consider accepting the fact that he is 3k so he'll let it go and we can all play on 2k acct

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                yo i really like to play on lower mmr accs srsly someone just gimmi gimmi

                                                                also calibrating my gamenet acc @home 3.3k avg mmr last game SeemsGood after all the feed and lose and abandon

                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                  renshin where tf u been at, responsibility finally catching up to u?


                                                                    alice pm me details ploz i need it now
                                                                    pm this account


                                                                      im putting pc and net away in 5 days btw for 2 months


                                                                        pm me detailsssssssssssssssssa u cuck


                                                                          We can share this acc i think. Last time i played they were pretty noob

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            wait i had no access to internet and my net rn is rly slow xD

                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                              ok sent it hf rekting scrubs

                                                                              ur mission is to prevent it from getting 2k tomorrow kappa


                                                                                We can talk in steam group. I can share that acc with you guys coz i dont play that acc too much its just for praticeing heroes

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                  Steam group?


                                                                                    group steam?

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp


                                                                                      does anynody know who whale is?

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                                                        i completely forgot about that


                                                                                          Well well, i am super fucking surprised that i got hs in my smurf acc. I only played hero that i never used. Only once in lp i played slark with that acc and instantly rose 1000mmr in opendota mmr estimated

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            hidden MMR is weird it placed me at VHS when i was playing like a 2k lmao dont even know what goes down there

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              btw i have this neo-nazi friend in steam are these guys serious about this or something? never thought that someone can be like... this

                                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                                i got placed into HS once too while i was playing an unranked solo game when i was new

                                                                                                i think it was this game


                                                                                                  really makes you think :thinking:

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    19000 is mine