General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    maybe cuz youre picking other heroes in party, but playintg carry in ranked. lul

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      I lost my motivation to climb solo mmr after i cant get 4k from 3.3k in a week


        I'm so scared to test the waters in 4k again after losing and going back to 3.9k

        I feel like I can't win games anymore

        doc joferlyn simp

          ^^^proves my point that if my job is just to ward and gank ill have much more success rather than trying out micro intensive farming positions. even as core nyx i was just our ganking people never really farmed

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          doc joferlyn simp

            gonna try out pos 4-5 role out it seems. im not that bad at supporting if i do say so myself. now i just have to find the time

            lmao clement thats exactly what i felt before i tested shit out and failed. i keep on advising people to practice in unranked and now im wondering why im such a hypocrite

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            doc joferlyn simp

              jesus hikari thats 100 MMR a day for seven days :o

              FREE PALESTINE

                Tfw you are so afraid of losing but at the same time want to chase the solo memer dream

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                doc joferlyn simp

                  i am chasing the solo mmr dream. just not in this game

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    I still calming in 5K+ with only jungle meme,you can do it

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      When im not playing my usual role i dont really know what to do especially if i play support idk what to do and maybe i will just hitting neutral creep lul


                        but when did i ever start tryharding to climb? :thinking:

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          idk you put a lot of thought into the hypothetical stuff maybe that counts as tryharding?


                            well i said it before do what u can at the real time and dont focus on what u cant. i cant play more than 2 or 3 games a day so tryharding to climb is a waste of time also it would take a lot of my mind and stuff so i play a game or two and analyse one each day, also when i dont feel like studying i reread analysations and talk to ppl like cookie and cutnpaste and ask for SPECIFIC advice and i think i did git gud hypothetically lately still gotta w8 to start training my muscle memory


                              I find it very monotonous to spam a single hero, I like playing a lot of heroes.
                              but I want to git gud.
                              shud I truly begin the necro mid spam?


                                sure whatever u comfortable with. the good thing about spamming is u are synced on the hero u spam so u dont need to worry about executions and farm patterns and instead can git gud on the gameplay and strategy and decision making.

                                BSJ MASTERRACE: kachal
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: game
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: in 2 min?
                                KaChal ☺: in game cs
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: im eating fries
                                KaChal ☺: takes 20 min
                                KaChal ☺: g next
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: ok
                                KaChal ☺: holy shit
                                KaChal ☺: fuck you
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: XD
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: sniped
                                KaChal ☺: 360
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: ??
                                KaChal ☺: 360 no scoped
                                BSJ MASTERRACE: ROFL

                                casual gamer

                                  nyx doesnt really spend a lot of time jungling after 6. only if vendeta is cd or specific circumstances where you cannot gank

                                  i like picking nyx with invoker / aa. basically guarantees you will be able to make space for these greedy heroes and can help u snowball into arcane + midas or whatever you want to build

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                                      yo jdf u playing soon? i wanna play doto soon if u wanna we could partee

                                      casual gamer

                                        cant play another game until ~ 1 hr from now. friend this account


                                          i cant friend sa[fojksdpogjdrs can u friend this instead? 377109982 i already got u in the 6k acc cant add i'll w8 next game

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            1st world smurf problems lmao

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              wow jd 6k god

                                              casual gamer

                                                winning as ta in the 4k bracket

                                                i must be a god

                                                i should make a thread about how winning games as ta makes me a good dota player :horse:

                                                edit: and meepo

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  go for it i mean frank thinks hes a god with godly riki games, why cant you right :thinking:


                                                    i like picking nyx with invoker / aa. basically guarantees you will be able to make space for these greedy heroes and can help u snowball into arcane + midas or whatever you want to build

                                                    yeah playing against nyx+invoker is superfun Kappa


                                                      lol lol lol lol did anyone say nyx invo?


                                                      who needs mana right?

                                                      edit* me me big boy cw

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        it's not about mana rather than about vendetta stun into sunstrike


                                                          they did that too but not to me did it to jug a lot. fukers


                                                            I'm on the road to 1 mmr




                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  cool bad manners jo. now sit in the corner and thinking about what youve done

                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                    lmao clement u literally just pick spirit breaker and gank 999 times until u win whats so hard about that

                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                      i like nyx players who cant hit their stun after hitting with vendetta

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        hitting the stun is hard if the target is on the process of moving sideways relative to your position, in which case youll have to predict where the target will turn to next. thats why i always vendetta behind the target and only attack (if the situation permits) im directly following him on a more or less straight line

                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                          or u can just quickcast so u can instantly hit ur stun after u hit L O W L

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            hit, hover cursor to ur enemy, press q xDDDDD top 1 reaction time SEA [NOT HUMAN] [Ranked Game]


                                                                              I only use quickcast on tiny for avalanche toss combo

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                behold my sick kao lin quick cast skills bois


                                                                                best roaming support SEA insane reaction time MMR is just a number


                                                                                  try playing richard burns rally

                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                    fucking played basketball for the first time this year and my finger gets jammed, this is why i dont go outside my house during summer vacation smh

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      quick question what would you do in this scenario:

                                                                                      1) u are a roaming spirit breaker
                                                                                      2) ur mid is a sniper vs tinker
                                                                                      3) ur offlane is AA/AM duo vs their safelane jugg
                                                                                      4) ur safelane is solo mirana vs backdoor dazzle/axe
                                                                                      5) they have a jungle WK

                                                                                      do you
                                                                                      a) gank mid from lv 1 because tink is a weak lv 1 2v1 hero even if ur mid is a sniper (cant fight yet)? ur purpose here is to kick the tink out of lane
                                                                                      b) do u contest bot lane so ur mirana isnt totally devastated? dazzle axe is hard to contest but its not impossible to kill the dazzle lv 1
                                                                                      c) annoy the shit out of their jungle WK?

                                                                                      guess what i did XD


                                                                                        i played basketball once 2 years ago my phone was on my pocket (smh) and it dropped on asphalt and got rekt but screen was completely working even if it had a huge crack from top to bottom and a lot of other cracks until this year that it completely get rekt.

                                                                                        btw wtf is this every comment says 6 years ago for me rofl

                                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                          ^^You should go jungle to farm your dagon first.

                                                                                          ^Your date setting on device

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            i played basketball 3 years ago and i still play basketball now xd


                                                                                              imo u had to go stick ur dick to wk for the first mins and let him get the first 2 camps done without him seeing u then charge to kill the shit then ward block the hard camp near mid shrine. at the same time u ask aa to go bot bc am shits on jug and aa can e himself and mirana and fuck axe's regen and they could def bot tower together. then u tell sniper to max Q and when it's min 4 of the game charge on tinker. tell sniper to only q once to have charge. kill tinker. ward mid and w8 behind tower. tinker tps mid. charge and sniper q again kill tinker. when jug's out of mana charge on him and kill him with am


                                                                                                lol tnx T-dawg


                                                                                                  Axe dazzle backdoor won't be stopped by a spirit breaker alone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                                                                                    yo did u see that invo match link i put a but above? xD

                                                                                                    i completely felt my braon being shut down. i was auto attacking the MID tusk on his high ground while he Qed me till i died. i then got ganked 4 times and proceeded to fuck midas im getting treads drums and shadoe blade and only use two spells. tusk then killed me infinite times in jungle and i got pike then bc my friend was crying i got aghs then we lost rofl