General Discussion

General Discussionmax calibration now 3500 [CONFIRMED]

max calibration now 3500 [CONFIRMED] in General Discussion

    Makes sense. Seems exceedingly unlikely that more than a few people are worth more than 3.5k after 100 games.

    white boy summer

      if one wants to buy an account they will

      Shadows Die Twice

        As it was hard to get 5k before coz of smurfs, now its the 4k that will be hell to go through for new players, i mean players reaching 4k for the first time...

        Razer 377i

          @zDonFrank And guess what he is down to High Skill Bracket now from Very High Skill, He must be upset right now.


            i mean realisticallly all that will happen is that 4k+ accs will cost more, and a 7k can easily boost a 2k the same way he can boost a 3k or a 4k.


              3.5k is already a confirmed calibration cap

              this guy


              5.2k average first match


              dumpstered by new system to 3.5k in his 5th matches



                no one is gonna bot or make new accounts anymore, i guess. LOL

                Intihai Harami Shakhs

                  Got an uncalibrated level 9 account if anyone wants to see how high they can calibrate.


                    I have not played around 2014 and created a new account because an old friend gave, at that time I calibrated 5100, and I think now I can at least 4200 to calibrate, but alas, I was very disappointed: ((((

                    Shadows Die Twice

                      There will be smurfs one way or another. I really feel sorry for 3k players right now...

                      Razer 377i

                        A lot of people will quit dota if that's the case, Only dedicated players will continue to play the game.


                          3.5k calibration is unfair for 3k players. Imagine a 6k player smurfs and calibrated at 3.5k the result is he will be stomping each and every games mostly. good luck to all unlucky opponents of acct smurfers

                          Razer 377i

                            @zDonFreak Please confirm once they finished the 10 games calibration, maybe valve just grouped them into 3.5k Bracket and will be different once they finish the 10 games, maybe they will calibrate 4k+


                              that is great news. i would even lower the limit


                                Everyone seems to act like it's so horrible with 6k smurf in same bracket. 50/50 chance they end up on my team. Doesn't seem like it will affect people too badly.


                                  3.5k is the trench tier which are full of really complacent and bad players, but one thing for sure, they are already immune and won't circlejerk anywhere, they mostly consume their rage themselves. They have less ego compared to the 4ks, since their rating is already dogshit.

                                  by lowering to this limit, there will be less circlejerk in reddit everyday "smurf ruins my ranked, bla bla bla" , "TBD highest" in 6.2k average

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    God damn this explains it fucking bullshit.... I was calibrating 2 different accounts and both stuck at 3.5k with the most ridiculous matches. Playing with retard 3.4ks with 5k smurfs stuck at 3.5k on the other teams.



                                      i would rather see good players climbing their deserved mmr, than smurfs ruining other peoples game with their undeserved mmr, its a great change


                                        So what is gonna happen to rank now? especially for those that just finished they're calibration.


                                          What the heck? Hoping valve to change back the calibration for TBD to 4999 zz


                                            This also makes it apot easier to get cap mmr calibration. You can start at 2.5k and get 3.5k just by winning every match with 10 kda.


                                              I started my training invo acc and checked opendota and i got around 2100-2200 and i got 3 lp match and i tried playing seriously and im now at 3000 predict mmr feelsadman.

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Just as I was fucking climbing this bullshit cap comes.


                                                  pretty sure its capped at 3500k, thats what a friend of mine got after creating a smurf to fuck around with us low scrubs so that we could play party ranked together(he was over 2k diff from me and some of my mates)



                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      "TBD highest" in 6.2k average

                                                      When I'm playing at avg mmr 4k+, sometimes TBD is the highest which is GG as F---


                                                        I played first game at 4529 mmr avg, ill play the others and confirm this shit.


                                                          time to quit dotes 4good LOL


                                                            its ok think about it guys. the really shitty players and smurf abusers will lose their mmr with their new smurfs and they will probably think to create a new account and get 3.5k and kill themselves = profit


                                                              Ranked queue it's offline this weekend


                                                                Good news. It's times to wait. A week maybe.. So no more smurfer in my brackett.. Good job volvo. Acc buyer shld recognize this now. You got bad news acc buyer :)

                                                                Lucy fear

                                                                  Once every1 realized the skill cap is 3.5 they might stop smurfing. Its only now that its unfair.


                                                                    He always play riki thats why he stuck on that mmr.dont know how to use other hero .


                                                                      Why is these fucking happening?

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        this is actually fantastic

                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                          LUL GOOD LUCK REACHING VHS NOW SHITCANS


                                                                            lol valve just choose the most braindead and simplistic method to solve the acc buying problem

                                                                            The DarKNovA

                                                                              Anyways acc buying is a retarded and ridiculous thing to do.
                                                                              In fact the whole MMR system is flawed, but there's so much one can do to make a decent system.
                                                                              As long as 2.00 KDA core spammer with 0 denies each game, low GPM and XPM gets the same MMR for a won game as a versatile, well aware player, there will always be MMR anomalies.
                                                                              At least this is a little step towards a little better quality, but not really a big one.


                                                                                another victim of new calibration limit


                                                                                rip smurf


                                                                                  No that guy just fucked up his game with slardar. That's why he dropped.(I hope)

                                                                                  Razer 377i

                                                                                    @zDonFrank Holy sh*t! that guy must be upset right now, He is just 1 game away for his 4k+ MMR since he has 9 VHS games but now he is in 3.5k MMR max?


                                                                                      Fuck.. it's true. I'm on my calibrating now avg mmr only 3.5k wtf

                                                                                      Player 404335202

                                                                                        ^yes .. Its even confirmed by me
                                                                                        .. On a accnt i ve avg of first games were 3.8,3.9,4.1k .. After update it was 3550 and 5th game in 3505 ! XD


                                                                                          Because so far D2 has a decent MMR. "Won match +25 lost match -25" is anything but a bearable system. Maybe it would temporarily work in a game released when "multiplayer" was a new thing, but come on.

                                                                                          Until Valve decides to do some minor tweaks and separate algorithms for heroes, roles and lanes this won't get anywhere near alright.

                                                                                          Just some examples:
                                                                                          If a player does his role very well, he should get about half MMR taken (-12), if he feeds beyond what is excusable and/or does weird thing, he should lose twice as much. Same should go for winning MMR.


                                                                                            gg, confirmed 3.5k is the new max calibration.

                                                                                            time to play your main accounts son


                                                                                              i think it kinda makes sense
                                                                                              the calibration used to be higher cz there were quite a lot of players coming from dota1, who possesed skill/experience in the game even despite not playing dota 2 in particular. however, everyone who was willing to switch to dota2, alrdy did it at this point, so basically the only ppl who d calibrate above 3.5k atm are using secondary accounts.

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                + which is why I think 2.5-3.0k is the way to go. 3.5k is still too high

                                                                                                Razer 377i

                                                                                                  @I LOVE YOUR NENE Post here once your done calibrating your MMR. Show us the result

                                                                                                  @Innocent^ Whats your Solo MMR bro?


                                                                                                    @Razer 377i Sure thing bro

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