General Discussion

General Discussionmax calibration now 3500 [CONFIRMED]

max calibration now 3500 [CONFIRMED] in General Discussion

    You'll drop 3.5k next game unless you feed hard

    Chao Vritra

      people vehemently defend the ranked system and say 'you are where you are because that is your skill level', then a subject like this comes up...How can people say that when a large amount of games are decided on 'who gets the good smurf'


        can someone explain why my friends account is at vhs???


          You can still get vhs at unrank games, but when you calibrate, max is 3.5
          and FUCK YOU FOR BUMPING THIS THREAD AGAIN you stupid shitfuck

          Direstui Pacar Main Dota

            You can still get vhs at unrank games, but when you calibrate, max is 3.5
            and FUCK YOU FOR BUMPING THIS THREAD AGAIN you stupid shitfuck

            ~ up
            ~ up
            ~ up
            ~ up
            ~ up
            ~ up this thread hahhaa


              3k is that new 4k


                account buying wont b ceased. perhaps 5k account wud b of huge cost. fuck u valve


                  trash volvo


                    can anyone tell me what is the average of normal skill and higher skill bracket??


                      dude, im still 5 games for party mmr calibration, my solo about 4k+ , can i still get above 4k+ too for party mmr ??


                        0001 - 3,200 normal skill
                        3,200 - 3,700 high skill
                        3,700- 10,000 very high skill

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          hi cookie ! long time no see , btw is it effect on unrank game too ? bcause usually before update new acc can get max 3.5kmmr i always on very high skill . but after update 3.5k my bracket drop down into normal~high skill only ?


                            no, it does not effect unranked

                            unranked is completely seperate


                              okat thank you for the information !

                              Mr. Jin

                                Ya but unless ur account selling, what's the point in playing a lower mmr account? Anyway based on opendota, I got another 100 more mmr and i can calibrate. So excited.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  MINE WAS 5K TBD 1ST GAME ,GO DOWN 2ND GAME 3K GAMING ROFL


                                    In my opinion, the best solution for this is not to lower the max calibration but to increase the number of games account can calibrate mmr. Like 300 games to calibrate or something like that higher than 130 games.


                                      GG VOLVO MANY SMURF AT 3.5 K AVG THANKS GABEN


                                        if u go down 3k, mean u deserve 3k.

                                        calibration cant be wrong


                                          Well, now they've generally screwed account buyers/smurfs, you need a verified phone number.


                                            Hahah... I feel ashamed of myself. I started playing dota 1 since 2013 and dota 2 on 2014... Yet, i m still with normal skill... How noob i am... I just get high skill on this year, after get a few tips from youtube and watching match replays (with new account ofcourse)... And i am still cant get VHS... I got twice, but as support... I know i am noob, but can someone give me some tips?

                                            lc king

                                              Yes omg max MMR 3,5k thank you valve commended

                                              lc king

                                                First playing dota 2 in 2016 February and my MMR now is 3,3k MMR still high skill :d


                                                  can someone give me 3k trash mmr? please


                                                    @Wisp sir lend me 3k trash mmr? :(


                                             im in 4295 estimated mmr, sad if im going to my TBD also 3500 mmr can i get


                                                        14 games played XDDDDDDDDD

                                                        Dr. SouLs-


                                                          Ragnar Lothbrok

                                                            I calibrated to 2.928 mmr yesterday kinda sad because of my last 2 games which i got scrub teammates .. my gpm went down also my building damge that last 2 games . i',m expecting to drop in 3k but doesnt go that why . i tried my best but there's always someone will ruin the game sad life you know :( feels bad


                                                              Its either u go up to 3k+ from 2.9 or go down to 2k. Anyways goodluck.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              Ragnar Lothbrok

                                                                i'm playing at SEA server where all wants to be carries. i alway have an invoker(feeder) mid . i don't understand why they always want to play invo even if they dont know how to play it well and in addition its rank match not a normal match making where they can practice. well if you look at my profile i'm just a normal skill boy so i guess i got a lot to work on to. its hard in my server but i will try i'll keep on trying #RoadTo3kTo4k


                                                                  Getting an invo mid is quite rare nowaday i guess? I hardly found them in the game or they had no impact that i forgot there was a invo on the enemy team xD no kappa

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    It is true </3 3.5k is the new limit for calibrating MMR :(


                                                                      WOW he is greatest gay in dota 2 only plays riki and nyx.


                                                                        so we cant calibrated to 4k?


                                                                          :O frank's losing streak


                                                                            u can calibrate 4.5k+ this thread is a lie




                                                                                Why smurf